Bob Dylan Posts

A pair of songs from the cast of the new Bob Dylan musical

The two tracks in sound embeds above — “Sweetheart Like You / True Love” and “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere” — were recorded as part of a workshop for a new musical play written and directed by Conor McPherson with music and lyrics by Bob Dylan. Girl From The North Country will open at the Vic Theater in London in July.

The voices featured on both tracks are Bronagh Gallagher, Claudia Jolly, Debbie Kurup and Jack Shalloo.

Blues Monday: Bob Dylan Edition

The Adjustments play Bob Dylan’s classic “Meet Me in the Morning” at their home studio. Catch the blues/rock band live at Players Sports Bar on March 11 from 9 p.m. to midnight.

Audio and video recorded by the Adjustments, with help from Andrew Holien. Edited by Alex Nelson.

Forget the Nobel Prize ceremony, this place is more important

Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan’s parents, Beatrice and Abram Zimmerman, are buried at Tifereth Israel Cemetery in Duluth.

Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan’s parents, Beatrice and Abram Zimmerman, are buried at Tifereth Israel Cemetery in Duluth.

I didn’t get an invitation to the Nobel Prize award ceremony for Bob Dylan in Sweden yesterday. Instead, I visited a memorial to the most important people in his life: His parents.

Abram and Beatrice Zimmerman are both buried in Duluth; the same city they brought Bob Dylan into this world more than 75 years ago. The same city where I live.

So on a bright blue, wonderfully cold day, I stepped into my pick-up truck, dropped a Duane Eddy CD into the player and drove 15 minutes to Tifereth Israel Cemetery. Somehow it seemed more important than anything happening in Stockholm.

Read all about it here.

Bob Dylan Nobel Prize for Lit.?

Did this happen? Is everyone shocked in a happy way? Hi to all hugs and kisses from Cali.

Bob and Joan

Bob mentions a couple of Northland towns at the beginning of their first song.

Bringing it All Back to Duluth Does Dylan

A new Duluth Does Dylan album is in the works — the fourth in a series of compilations featuring Duluth bands covering Bob Dylan songs. Bringing it All Back to Duluth Does Dylan will feature 14 tracks recorded at Sacred Heart Studio by engineer Tom Fabjance. Fabjance is co-producing the album with executive producer Tim Nelson.

The man’s Christmas light display reflects his music?

Pete Townshend knows all about Bob Dylan … kind of

Pete Townshend - Star Tribune photo

Minneapolis Star Tribune: Pete Townshend won’t get fooled again about Bob Dylan’s birthplace

Bob Dylan – “Like a Rolling Stone” (2013 Interactive Video)

It can’t be embedded on PDD, because it’s a crazy interactive weirdo thing. Go to to check it out. If you have slow internet, don’t bother.

As you watch the video, you can use the up-and-down arrows on your keyboard to switch between 16 different “channels” to see 16 different versions. None of the versions are particularly great, but collectively … well … it’s something different anyway.

Hometown Boy Makes Good

Dylan Granted France’s Highest Award

Bob Dylan Duluth Concert Photos


Some things improve a bit with age. The out of focus shot above is the best I could do at the 2013 Bob Dylan concert in Duluth, but it’s better than I did in 1999, below.


So, who did better than me?


Dylan coming here July 9 and from the DNT article: Dan Russell, executive director of the DECC – which manages Bayfront Festival Park – estimated that the park has a capacity of 12,500. There are no chairs allowed at the event. Russell wasn’t sure whether to expect it to sell out.


I wonder if Hibbing knows yet

MPR Story: Bob Dylan awarded National Medal of Freedom

“The release continues to describe Duluth native Dylan as…”

I’m waiting for a retraction but we’ll see what happens.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bob Dylan

Last night I stumbled on a fun article at and wrote a bit a-bout-it at Ennyman’s Territory.

For what it’s worth, if you still don’t have Dylan’s Christmas in the Heart, 100% goes to charitable causes. Here’s my review of this CD from when it was introduced in 2010.

Meantime, may everyone in Duluth have a bit of Christmas in their hearts this year … and Let It Snow.

Bob Dylan Manhole Design Contest

Common Language is sponsoring a competition for an artist interested in designing Bob Dylan-themed cast-iron manhole cover for Bob Dylan Way in Duluth, Minnesota. The manhole cover will be cast at the 10th North Shore Iron Pour, which will be held this summer in Duluth.

The artist selected will be given free instruction at the North Shore Iron Pour seminar and an honorarium of $300. They will see their cast iron manhole cover installed on Bob Dylan Way.