Duluth Photography Classes

I’m what you’d call an amateur photographer (along with everyone else) and I’m looking to improve my skills. Does anyone know of any photography workshops or classes around town that are free/cheap? Or are there any seasoned photography vets out there who wouldn’t mind showing me the ropes? Any help would be appreciated!

There is nothing left in anybody

Known to most of the world as “The Skiathlon Announcer” Duluth’s own Chad Salmela has gained notoriety as one of the stars of the Sochi Olympics. According to the web site Awful Announcing, “Chad Salmela is to the Winter Olympics what Rowdy Gaines is to the Summer Olympics.”

Orange and white kitty — stray? feral?

A medium-sized orange and white cat has been coming to eat on my deck for the past (at least) two weeks. It runs when it sees me — so no photo (yet). I will try to catch it and see if there is a collar or chip and what shape it’s in. Lakeside — near London Road and 54th Avenue East.

“Superior Dream” Kayaking Adventure Around Lake Superior

Superior Dream: A Circumnavigation of the world’s largest lake, Lake Superior. Footage from a kayaking expedition by two UMD alumni from Minnesota, Greg Petry and Luca Will, around Lake Superior in late 2010 was made into a movie Superior Dream. The 49-minute movie was released late in 2013 and started shipping in January 2014. We have not found any movie trailer besides the footage clip released back in 2012 and this Kickstarter video below.

Twenty-two consecutive days below zero

This week: hiking, anime and boats, boats, boats!


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Sara Mowchan hiked the Appalachian Trail, if you know what I mean! No, she actually literally hiked it. You can hear all about it on Tuesday as part of Duluth Pack‘s Outdoor Adventure Series.

It’s midwinter, so why not stroll around the DECC and look at boats, motorcycles and recreational vehicles? You can do just that Wednesday through Sunday.

Private Eyes opens at The Underground on Thursday, a play with a fantastic cast, and afterwards you can head down to Pizza Lucé for the Transistor’s 10th Anniversary/Anti-Valentines celebration.

For Valentine’s Day proper, Friday, there are a wealth of activities to attend, including a fundraiser for LOON at the Northland Country Club, a spaghetti dinner at Amazing Grace, and dinner and comedy at Dubh Linn.

And on Friday at Teatro Zuccone Jonathan Manchester is remounting his one man show, Everything You’ve Done That Hurt Me, which was one of the most talked about shows of 2013. It’s a 20 page break up letter found in the street in front of his house.

Zinema 2‘s Saturday Morning Family Series continues with My Neighbor Totoro on Saturday morning.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.


Rarely do I get to wear all three of my hats at the same time: faculty member, board member at a local wildlife non-profit, and board member with the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council.  I got to wear two of three while I was with some folks at Zeitgeist yesterday.  I was dropping off some brochures about Wildwoods and met with folks from the Wolf=Flow exhibit.  

No trespassing!

What’s the deal with the fences and no trespassing signs that were put up and eventually taken down midway up the Glenwood Road hill in Lakeside on county land. Is this the over zealous property owner who’s trying to sell the chunk of land below it? Perhaps they need to learn the property boundaries.

Porcupine in Need

Via the founders of Wildwoods:

When we first got her yesterday morning, we thought she might die. She was found by the highway, likely hit by a car. Though she had no fractures, this porcupine looked just terrible.

Skating Duluth’s Outer Harbor

Duluth Mystery Photo #4: Mr. Dillner?

I saved this photo graphic at some point in the past and titled the file “Dillner.” Call it sloppy archiving on my part, but I’m guessing that might be his last name and on the front of the photo is the photographer’s name, which looks like it’s maybe S. F. Dahlquist. The address is 19 E. Superior St., Duluth. So that’s what we’ve got to go on.

Toby Thomas Churchill’s second solo album trapped in future

Duluth’s Toby Thomas Churchill plans to record his next album with Ben Durrant at Crazy Beast studio in Minneapolis. You can help fund it by contributing to the Kickstarter campaign. His first solo album, Death, came out in 2011.

Martin Pattison

Historical sketch from the Dec. 31, 1913, Duluth News Tribune.

The three-time mayor of Superior was the original owner of the Fairlawn Mansion, which was completed in 1891. Read about rumors of paranormal activity in the mansion at unexplainedresearch.com.

Martin Pattison is also the namesake of Pattison State Park, which was established in 1920. Read about that on zenithcity.com.

Duluth Grill on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives

Duluth Grill was featured on the Food Network’s Diners, Drive-ins and Dives program on Nov. 26, 2010. The segment can be viewed at foodnetwork.com. Host Guy Fieri samples the grass-fed bison pot roast that made the West End famous.

Duluth Grill - Diners, Drive-ins and Dives


Although they don’t exhibit the profusion of life of ocean reefs, Lake Superior’s basaltic rock formations naturally evoke a sense of sunken, megalithic cities. That is why I wear the raiment of the King of Atlantis.

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