Toby Thomas Churchill Posts

Mom’s Apartment

Artist Toby Thomas Churchill invites you along for a tour of his mom’s amazing apartment.

Are we going to let the blades of perpendicular platitudes cut through the footwear applications?

Toby Thomas Churchill summits all over the now.

Starling of Athens – “The Lord is Not My Real Dad”

This video by Brian Barber was part of the 2015 Homegrown Music Video Festival. Click that fancy link to view more videos from this year’s festival.

Toby Thomas Churchill – “Bad People”

Toby Thomas Churchill’s second solo album trapped in future

Duluth’s Toby Thomas Churchill plans to record his next album with Ben Durrant at Crazy Beast studio in Minneapolis. You can help fund it by contributing to the Kickstarter campaign. His first solo album, Death, came out in 2011.

Homegrown Band Publicity Photo Showdown: Breanne Marie vs. Toby Thomas Churchill

Breanne Marie (photo by Katlyn Kretzchmar)

Toby Thomas Churchill (photo by Annelisa Roseen)

With the Homegrown Music Festival coming up PDD launched a series of polls two weeks ago, tournament style, to determine which Duluth-area band has the sweetest pic. Last week Charile Parr defeated Actual Wolf. This week we ask …

Which band has the better publicity photo?

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This poll is now closed. The results were:

Breanne Marie — 51.4 percent
Toby Thomas Churchill — 48.6 percent

Note: Only people who are logged in to their Perfect Duluth Day blogging account are allowed to vote (to prevent people from voting multiple times). To create an account, click here. If you need help figuring it out, click here.