Show and Tell
I have an old Bridgeman-Russell Company ruler. I don’t often think about how awesome it is, so I catch myself using it to do things like scrape gunk off a counter. For the sake of history, I’ll try to be more careful in the future.
I have an old Bridgeman-Russell Company ruler. I don’t often think about how awesome it is, so I catch myself using it to do things like scrape gunk off a counter. For the sake of history, I’ll try to be more careful in the future.
Michael Udovich, a Denfeld and UW-Superior alum, appears briefly in this trailer for The Hagstone Demon. He plays Detective Willis. Look for him at 1:18, opposite none other than indie film sensation Mark Borchardt (of American Movie fame).
Bob Dylan and Paul Simon played a very muddy concert at Bayfront Festival Park on July 3, 1999. For some reason, I decided to wear a new pair of white sneakers. This photo is of my friend Chris’ shoes, but one of mine is creeping in on the bottom.
It was a great concert, and totally worth the destruction of a pair of shoes.
Let Duluth Vote’s “Plan B” presentation to the Duluth School Board from Greenfield Communications on Vimeo.
It should be noted that this video is not a piece of independent journalism, but rather an informational video paid for by the Duluth School District. That being said, so you may take into account it was created with intent to persuade, I don’t believe it contains any misinformation. If I’m wrong, I’m sure we’ll all find out in the comments.
There will be a chartered bus from Superior to Big Top Chautauqua in Bayfield for the July 11 Big Bad Voodoo Daddy concert. The round-trip costs $10 per person. It leaves at 5 p.m. from Wessman Arena on the UWS campus and will return that evening.
Seats can be reserved by calling the KUWS office at (715) 394-8530. Call on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. and ask for Kim Gustafson.
Perfect Duluth Day is six years old today! The photos above are from the first year.
Stop by the Wine Bar at Chester Creek Cafe tonight and raise a toast to PDD. We’ll be there from 9ish to 10ish. Door prize: Two tickets to Suzanne Vega at Big Top Chautauqua on Aug. 29.
What’s your favorite rickety old bridge in Duluth? Mine is called “Ass Bridge.” At least, that’s what I call it, for reasons that will become obvious if you read on. It’s an old railroad bridge over Stewart Creek in western Duluth. The northeastern side of the bridge is in the Riverside neighborhood, the southwestern side is in the Smithville neighborhood.
Dandelion snow or cottonwood seeds or willow dust or something.
Ten years ago, cartoonist Israel Malachi poked fun at Duluth City Councilor Marcia Hales for pushing an ordinance that made it a ticketable offense to play a car stereo loud enough to be heard 50 feet away.
Directed by local hero Mike Scholtz for the Minneapolis 48 Hour Film Project. Featuring a cameo by Minnesota State Representative Roger Reinert.
It’s been one year since Starfire’s 100 Pushup Challenge. Did anyone make it? I’m still stuck on week four of the workout. Six weeks? Yeah, right!
Perfect Duluth Day is turning 6 years old next Monday. Topic for discussion in the comments: Is there any less significant anniversary than the sixth?
Significant or not, we’ve decided to meet for cocktails and whatnot. So join us at Chester Creek Cafe’s Wine Bar next Monday, June 29, from 9 to 10 p.m.
Historical Link Action
First two PDD posts
PDD shows “The Big Lebowski” at Sailboat Park to mark its first b-day
“Happy Birthday” is sung on PDD’s second b-day
PDD turns 3; August turns 7
… and then we took a two-year break from tooting our own horn
… and now TOOT! TOOT!