2009 Geek Royalty


All hail the new King and Queen of Geek Prom, James Ellingson and Rachael Gilman.


Tim K

about 15 years ago

Long live the king! (and queen!)


about 15 years ago

GREAT PIC! Congratulations! BTW, did anyone see any geek streakers this year?

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

I missed the geek streak - did it actually happen?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

This was the first streak-free Geek Prom ever. (Except, of course, for the yellow streaks running down the backs of all of us for not streaking.)


about 15 years ago

Great prom! I take my crown off to the new king and queen. And, I must say, Rachael has serious geek cred. The Kingdom of the Geeks will thrive under her wise rule, no doubt.


about 15 years ago

The otters were naked and streaky


about 15 years ago

King James looks incredibly geeky in the pic.


about 15 years ago

Does anyone have a link to the video that was supposed to run on CBS Sunday Morning??

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

It hasn't run yet, Tomasz. So no linky this week. Stay tuned.

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

I heard that channel 6 had a news story about the Geek Prom king and the tough competion from "Diastro". Anyone get a copy of that, or know if they have video archives?

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I missed it, and it doesn't seem to be on the Northland's NewsCenter archive. Maybe it will air again at noon today.

ms dean

about 15 years ago

No geek streak, but I did see Lundgren in his underwear backstage.

ms dean

about 15 years ago

And by backstage I mean in the conference room.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

How embarrassing. Not that you saw me in my underwear, but that I was at Geek Prom wearing boxer briefs instead of superhero Underoos.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Also, I did watch footage from the Northland's NewsCenter on the noon broadcast today. I didn't see or hear reference to Destro in it.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

The Mo Rocca piece on geeks finally ran on Oct. 18. I missed it, so I didn't see if Geek Prom footage was used with it or not.

The online story [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/18/sunday/main5394380.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentAux] makes no mention of Geek Prom, so I'm guessing the video probably wasn't used.


about 14 years ago



about 14 years ago

No 2010 Geek Prom.

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Skywalkin’ in Duluth in 2009

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3mG2ZUnlpY Short video through a part of the Duluth Skywalk.
