Video Archive: The Hospital People

This recently unearthed clip from KDLH-TV’s Newschannel 3 This Morning, features the Hospital People performing the song “Crash” in support of their April 2003 Geek Prom gig at the NorShor Threatre.

There is nothing quite like rawking and spaz dancing at 6 a.m. Maybe that’s why the video is so faded.



about 11 years ago

That clip made me feel uncomfortable. Perfect!

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

It's Duluth's awkward version of American Bandstand, really.


about 11 years ago

This made my day, thank you. (And if any of you PDD folks have an extra copy of that Hospital People 45, get in touch with me. Someone has to have a dusty box full of those somewhere.)


about 11 years ago

Things I love about this video:
-One very enthused reporter, one very unenthused reporter
-Super lo-fi recording
-Spaz dancing in the early morning
-Lumpy/Lundgren improve dance moves
-Fake fireplace in background
-Imagining the collective "WTF?" of the normal daytime audience


about 11 years ago

Also reminds me a bit of Bobby Conn:


about 11 years ago

Good LORD! That's the first time I've seen that. Only vague memories. No memory at all of that outfit. Odd...


about 11 years ago

If any of my children ever question if I was "hip," I can say I was once on TV dancing to Sparhawk with DJ Starfire (oh, yes, he's in there, wearing a ski suit). Doesn't get any cooler than that, right?


about 11 years ago

Oh my holy crap if this isn't geeks imitating geeks imitating geeks. As if there wasn't enough geek in Duluth already, what with all the mustache and Fever Dream, now I feel like the bar is something to be raised at a moment's whim, on a double dog dare. The mayor with his city key sack, and aww shuckisms singing tonight the monkey dies?  I'm gonna be sick ... have to go rub some WD40 habanero sauce on my Johnson just to take my mind off the obscenities, to pull my sense of outlawry out of its concurrent nosedive.  Does anyone know where I can get some crystal meth?

JP Rennquist

about 11 years ago

This beats that Harlem Shake's *ss.  

This world needs an ephemeral, viral, Hospital People dance craze.


about 11 years ago

@Herzog - Duluth was uncool before it was cool to be uncool. But, I guess we all have our axes to grind yours just happens to be in your own pants ..GRIND BABY GRIND ... glad you've identified your one true fan ... I hate to tell you but pud whacking is the new "in" thing ... so either get "in" with the "in" crowd or stew alone and unsatisfied in a pool of lubricant and hot sauce. FYI -- Duluth has been a hot bed of electronic and experimental music from waaaaay back ... there aint nothing new anymore but the joke is on you if you aren't the one laughing... N'est-ce pas?


about 11 years ago

I most sincerely love you, Channel 3 circa 2003, and everyone on this video.

Who is the woman dancing right by Paul?

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

She commented as "GTR" above, so let's call her GTR.

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