JP Rennquist Posts

Instagram spotlight on Tim Landis is spotlight on Twin Ports

Not sure why I missed this but my Twitter friend Tim Landis and his amazing Instagram pictures were featured a month or so ago on the Huffington Post

R.I.P. Charlotte Zacher of Charlotte’s Cafe

The Duluth News Tribune has a nice remembrance of Charlotte Zacher, of Charlotte’s Cafe fame in Carlton.

Cravaack New Hampshire Dodgeball

Of all the obvious jabs at Minnesota 8th District Congressman Raymond “Chip” Cravaack for moving to New Hampshire — which reached a fever pitch today for the New Hampshire primary — this is definitely the funniest. (Note to moderators, it’s blatantly partisan, certain to test the new commenting policy).

Not sure if the movie clips are fair-use or not so I suppose it could get yanked at any time.

Where in Duluth? Watercolor edition.

The Skyway, Brian Stewart from

I came across this water color image from Brian Stewart while engaging in my newest time trap, curating the “Duluth-o-Philia” board on Pinterest. This does evoke a location for me, but for the life of me, I can’t remember the place. Bonus question, is it still there even?

How much longer will these records stand?

Uncle Loui's Pancake and French toast eating records

It seems like it’s high time somebody broke the pancake and french toast records at Uncle Loui’s. But who could manage such a feat … without blowing a hole in his or her innards, I mean? Will they stand forever and have to be “retired” as I believe the previous, pre-fire, records were?

PDD Sightings

Perfect Duluth Day sighting at Mount Rushmore

Perfect Duluth Day sighting at Mount Rushmore

This summer I took the folks out west to visit family and began what I hope may become a growing gallery on PDD. Shots of the PDD sticker/logo and where it has traveled (or been spotted).

Symptoms that men Paul Lundgren should never ignore

Now on Yahoo News, Paul Lundgren‘s Doppelganger. And it looks like he needs to take it easy.

“You’re not dead til you’re warm and dead.”

Duluth got a mention in this 2010 Ted Talk by cell biologist Mark Roth: Suspended Animation is in our Grasp.

More specifically he mentions the miraculous case of Janice Goodger

There was a 65-year-old woman in Duluth, Minnesota last year that was found frozen and without a pulse in her front yard one morning in the winter, and they brought her back to life. The next day, she was doing so well, they wanted to run tests on her. She got cranky and just went home.

R.I.P. Clearwire in Twin Ports

I got this email last week.

Something funny happened on the way through the drive-thru

Drive thru difference letter - Life 97.3 FM Duluth

Here’s an actual photo of a letter that someone I work with received this week. She was just going through the drive thru minding her business when the car in front of her paid for her coffee and egg sandwich, anonymously. It definitely brought a smile, which I guess is the whole idea.

“The Moon” 89.1 FM WGZS

Fond du Lac Band’s 89.1 FM WGZS “The Moon” was one of several Native American Radio stations mentioned in a report on MPR News this morning.

What’s all the fuss about AimClear and Visit Duluth?

Like with parenting and other stuff I write about, I understand just enough about social media, search engine optimization and search engine analytics to be dangerous. But I think I might understand more than the marketing “gurus” at Visit Duluth.

Marty Weintraub is a nationally (internationally?) sought out speaker and consultant on every kind of web marketing that you can imagine – Social Media, Keyword Search, Ad Placement, and so on. He also, apparently, loves Duluth. So he did some research on how the community is being marketed online and produced a study for free to give us all some food for thought on how Visit Duluth is spending its (tax generated) budget and if it couldn’t be optimized to deliver better results in the digital age.

Did $10 Million In Destination Marketing Make Duluth Famous?

Woot: “Pet Food” by Emily from Duluth

Duluth artist Emily Kuznia has another one of her quirky/cool designs in the Woot Shirt Derby for Oct. 20. That means you can order one of these puppies anytime today and they are only 10 bucks. If enough people order … here’s where I get foggy … Emily will win some kind of awesome prize or accolades. So Nettleton-Central-Hillsiders-Duluthians and anyone else who may have some tie to Emily please take a look and get yourself a shirt. Oh and if you don’t have a tie why not just do it to give a cool young artist a leg up?

Pet Food Emily Kuznia Emily Kuznia is the award-winning author of Man's Best Friend or Man's Greatest Meal: cooking with your pets.

Christmas is just around the corner and these will make great stocking stuffers for just ten bucks (free shipping).

Survival of the Funnest is another one of Emily’s Woot Shirt designs that I blogged about last December.

UPDATE: 11/4/11

Here’s another one, she’s on a roll, I guess. “I’m here to the Rescue .. uh … Never Trust a Princess”

"I'm here to the rescue .. uh ... never trust a princess"  Woot Shirt

"I'm here to the rescue .. uh ... never trust a princess"

Nickels, Dimes and Quarters Parking

New Duluth meters now accepting nickles, dimes and quarters

After scrambling around through the spare change pockets in my car for quarters, I got to the meters outside the St. Louis County/MN State Office building only to find that I don’t need quarters there anymore!

Anti-Human Trafficking Trainings in Duluth