Uncle Harvey’s Mausoleum sinking


Oh Snap. Uncle Harvey’s Mausoleum (a.k.a “The Cribs” a.k.a “Duluth Ice House”) seems to be melting away this winter.  First the column went missing a few weeks ago and now the whole house seems to be doomed. Let’s hope Lake Superior Aquaman can fix this?



about 9 years ago

Is it still sinking, or already under?

Mike Scholtz

about 9 years ago

It must've popped back up. Maybe it's like a bobber. Or maybe it's a litmus test and every person will see it differently.

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

I think Uncle Harvey Whitney's tomb was propping up the northwest side. His evil spirit broke out this morning, causing the wall to plunge, but he straightened things out before wandering off for a nice Monday brunch.


about 9 years ago

I guess there are a bunch of people crawling all over and inside of the structure. Great idea! When it falls, if it doesn't trap you under and drown you, you'll just be thrown into the freezing water and slowly die of hypothermia!

Mike Scholtz

about 9 years ago

Your comments wound me.


about 9 years ago

That's a substantial list to the left (or right if on lake).


about 9 years ago

Well at least you're not on/in the structure, just nearby. Although, given the warm temps, I wouldn't be on the ice at all.


about 9 years ago

If it goes, I'm pretty sure it will be a 3-week news cycle.


about 9 years ago

I just remembered that Allete has a Lake Superior web cam.  Anyone know if they keep the footage from it? it might have video of the column sinking.

Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

We sent in the PDD drone and the crib is back to normal.

Cory Fechner

about 9 years ago

Uncle Harvey is safe again.

Justin Berke

about 9 years ago

You forgot to Photoshop the shadow too. Step up your garbage click-bait, PDD.


about 9 years ago

This does sort of bring up an interesting point though.  Should anything be done to stabilize it?  It has become an oddball landmark that just about anyone who has lived in Duluth would recognize.  Would it create a significant hazard to small crafts if it is just allowed to fall to the bottom some day?

Jim Richardson

about 9 years ago

I'd like to apologize for knocking down the pillar.

J.J. Lee

about 9 years ago

Never apologize for interesting things.

the Midnight Taco

about 9 years ago

The only thing worse than lazy reporting is not checking facts / confirming sources. Although I do find the use of the 'harbor cam' in lieu of sending a reporter into the field amusing.

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Mix 108 is now reporting on Fox 21 being duped.

Duluth TV station fooled by local blog’s Photoshopped image of Twin Ports landmark

After four days, one would think Fox 21 would retract the story or at least delete it from its website. Aaron Brown at Minnesota Brown also got caught up in the hoax, but he updated his post to acknowledge he'd been had, cleverly noting that "the Cribs is certainly beginning to sink. It’s just a process that may take years rather than weeks. Really, aren’t we all sinking?"

As for PDD, we're sticking to our original story. It sank and then was pulled up by the drone.


about 9 years ago

The best part (as Mix 108 pointed out) is that Fox 21 sent a camera crew down to the beach to shoot footage of the "sinking" Uncle Harvey's, and failed to notice that it was in exactly the same position it's been in for years.

TV news. Sheesh. The day these guys read an actual document, or file an information request, or attend a governmental meeting for longer than ten minutes (their usual practice is to show up, shoot footage of people talking, and leave), or do ANYTHING that journalism is supposed to do, is the day I eat my hat.

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Duluth News Tribune image of Uncle Harvey's Mausoleum rescue

Duluth News Tribune: Four rescued after scare on frozen Lake Superior at Duluth's cribs

This must be where Bad Cat says "I told you so." Obviously playing out by the cribs was much safer last week than this week, but still.

Ramos should start a Total Days of Bullshit Index to report on Fox 21 continuing to run a completely false story.  We're up to nine days now.


about 9 years ago

I just checked and didn't see it, but I did find "Cooking Connection: Avocado Pasta."

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Oh it's still there, my friend. Day 10.


about 9 years ago

You better send them pictures of the drone so they can do a follow-up story.

Paul Lundgren

about 9 years ago

Uncle Harvey

By the way, ol' Uncle Harvey's spirit still comes out occasionally for a swim. And yes, the Fox story is still up nine months later.

Paul Lundgren

about 5 years ago

Four years later the Fox story is still online. The video is "no longer available," however.

Paul Lundgren

about 4 years ago

Make it five and a half years and counting.

Paul Lundgren

about 1 year ago

Almost eight years now.

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