Free Sign!

I will produce and ship this sign to anyone who would like to stand next to Mr. Jankowski in Bentleyville and exercise their First Amendment rights. The sign is approximately 2′ x 3′, printed on corrugated plastic, two sided, with arrows pointing in both directions for your convenience.



about 12 years ago

He was not there this evening. I had hoped to buy him an official Bentleyville Naughty list shirt.


about 12 years ago

Do it yourself. I dare you.


about 12 years ago

That is brilliant!!!


about 12 years ago

You need a coverup sign that says: "I love Nathan Claus" or something.


about 12 years ago

Fantastic! I was going to make my own and go down there with a group of friends, but this looks so much better. I'd be glad to rock it and take pictures with Steve. you can reach me at [email protected] if you're serious about this. I think the public deserves as much warning about that guy as possible.


about 12 years ago

You know I will. I already have as a matter of fact.


about 12 years ago

If nobody's taken you up on this yet, I'll do it.


about 12 years ago

Does anyone know if this guy has been back since being publicly shamed?  I wouldn't imagine his partner would want to be associated with him either.


about 12 years ago

Hey! I want to do a news story for KBJR-TV with the person making these signs.  Email @ zvavricka @!


about 12 years ago

I'm going down to Bentleyville with a group of friends and will keep my eye out for the preachers.


about 12 years ago

Ask them where they think child molestors go when they die. Their SOP is to ask people entering what they think happens to them when they die. Turn them tables, even if it's not Steve J.


about 12 years ago

Am I the only one who doesn't agree with this? 

So many (probably the majority) of the people who are against these people speaking at Bentleyville cited reasons involving kids; they didn't want to make them uncomfortable, or have to explain what they were saying to their kids, and they didn't want any of the overall  joy of the Bentleyville experience to be taken away. So ... you want to explain what a sex offender is to your child instead? You think this somehow adds to the joyful, loving, family friendly spirit of Bentleyville??? 

I'm sorry, but Bentleyville is not the place for this type of public persecution, just as it is not the place for their religious speeches either. 

Two wrongs do not make a right.


about 12 years ago

Yes, but two wrongs will likely drive the first wrong away.

Besides, if this guy is a sex offender who targets children, why wouldn't we want to keep him away from an area filled with children?


about 12 years ago

You really think he's going to try to touch your children at Bentlyville? Just don't let your kids go near him. 

There could be any number of other people there that are sex offenders and you would never know it, (unless you're going to go find them and follow them around with signs as well) so logic says getting this one guy out doesn't necessarily reduce whatever risk you think is involved.

I agree that the guy is annoying and unpleasant, I agree sexual predation is disgusting, I just don't agree that this sign does anything positive to help the situation. 

I may be alone in the belief that public persecution in front of children is not the way to go. That's fine, I won't be changing my mind.


about 12 years ago

I don't actually think he's going to touch children, but my snarky commentary got de-snarked for me before it was posted. :/


about 11 years ago

I think I'll hold up a sign at Bentleyville thanking the city for establishing their idiotic free speech zone and costing taxpayers $177,500.


about 11 years ago

Is it just me, or does Gunnar Johnson's entire tenure as city attorney seem marked by losing cases?


about 11 years ago

So there was all this big talk about how people were going to go down to Bentleyville with their own signs to protest Jankowski. Nobody did, did they?

K. Praslowicz

about 11 years ago

If they show up again this year, I think a group of freethinkers needs to show up with signs that just say "We believe you are a good person. Enjoy the lights & cookies!" Something to that effect. Compare/contrast for maximum effect.


about 11 years ago

It'll never happen. Nobody has the drive. All the bluster at the beginning of this thread reminded me of bar talk more than anything else.


about 11 years ago

There was really no opportunity to use the sign last December. A day or two after the offer was posted, once the sex offender information was brought to widespread public attention, they stopped showing up at Bentleyville.

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