Rij Posts

Where (and when) in Duluth?


Options for Duluth Zoo?

Various recommendations have been made for the revamping of the Lake Superior Zoo. This was reported on in today’s DNT, but I was unable to include the link here. I am curious to hear about the opinions of the PDD community.

Twins Bar re-opening?

I have heard rumors but cannot confirm. Does anyone have any info?

Kojak Street?

Group campaigns to get Duluth street named after ‘Kojak’ star Savalas

A push is underway from a group to get a street named after late “Kojak” star Telly Savalas, Minnesota Brown reports.

“Telly Savalas lived in Duluth Mn. Telly Savalas paid taxes in Duluth Mn. Telly Savalas made advertisements for Duluth Mn. Telly Savalas needs a street named after him,” says the Citizens for Telly Savalas Blvd. Facebook page.

R.I.P. Molly Spaun

DNT: Owner of Superior’s legendary Molly’s Tavern dies

DNT online content roadblock

I pay full price for a print edition subscription of the Duluth News Tribune for my Mother, who is in a nursing home. I however, read what content I can online. Recently, I have been blocked from doing so by a message asking me to register for free access. I jumped through the hoops to do so and was instructed that an e-mail message would follow that would allow me to finish the process. Well, I never got an e-mail and I continue to be blocked from reading online content. Has anyone else run into this dilemma and does anyone have any suggestions on how to get around it? User friendly? Not so much.

Proctor native Scott Jurek featured on Yahoo sports

Diet Tips From Scott Jurek, Ultrarunner And Vegan

Another interesting Denfeld image


Just a little something I happened across on the job today.

Park Point Amusement Park

My mom, who was born in Duluth in 1935, was re-telling me stories about the amusement park at the end of Park Point. She recalled bumper cars (she called them “dodge-em carts”), a penny arcade, a carousel, spinning swings, a candy shop (Fritz’s) and various other amusements. I know the canopy for the carousel is in the Sports Garden, but I have never seen any pictures of this park and don’t know if the topic has been addressed here. Just wondering if anyone has any insight as to whether my mom’s recollections are accurate.

Warmer in the Lake?

After 42 summers of swimming in “the big lake they call Gitchee Gummi” I’ve got to say that this afternoon I experienced what has got to be the warmest temperatures I can remember. I don’t know if this has been covered in the local press, as I don’t read the DNT anymore. I’m wondering if anyone has any specific data and/or similar perceptions.

Wildcats in Duluth’s Lester Park?

Last weekend, while enjoying a quiet rest on Lester River about one mile up from the main park, I heard what sounded like a cat hissing, but at 20 times the volume of what you’d hear from a house cat. There were five or six of these “roars” followed by a rustling in the under brush at which point I got the hell out of there. I have heard of bobcat sightings in the area but wonder if it might have been something larger, say a mountain lion? Has anyone else had a similar experience or even a sighting?

Duluth Quarterback Club?

Does anyone have info on or remember a place called the Quarterback Club? It was up by where the mall is now during the 1960s, I think.

DNT blogs.

Don’t know if anyone has commented on this yet, but is it just me or do some of the DNT blogs kinda look similar to PDD? Specifically the Education and Attic blogs.

Molly Spaun, owner of Molly’s Bar on Tower Avenue in Superior

Has anyone else had the pleasure of speaking to Molly Spaun about prohibition and prostitution in Superior during the 1920s and ’30s? I did, but my memory is clouded. She tells stories of speakeasies and debauchery. It was a lawless time and fascinating history about the Twin Ports.

Park Point tunnels?

I don’t know if this has been addressed here before because I just discovered the site. I’ve heard the urban legend about a tunnel under Park Point that was used during prohibition to smuggle Canadian spirits into the Twin Ports, avoiding the usual protocol involved in bringing them in through the Superior or Duluth entries. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?