wskyline Posts

Fourth Street Trees??

Driving past Fourth Street and 19th Avenue East today I noticed some signs saying that by 2016 all of the trees along Fourth Street would be gone. I have no idea if these signs are new, but can someone tell me what that is all about? True?

If someone wants to add a picture of the signs and tree huggers (clothes nailed to the tree to look like people hugging the trees), feel free, I didn’t have a camera along.

Rachel Maddow talks EPA MED in Duluth

For those of you who don’t know, we have a branch of the EPA in Duluth called the Mid Continent Ecology Division. Last night, Rachel Maddow used an example of some of the work that is done at MED to demonstrate what could happen during the government shutdown at the EPA. She also uses it as a lead in to an interview with the EPA administrator. And finally, she uses it to demonstrate how old EPA training videos look.

I am so sick of people using Skyline Parkway outlooks as dumpsters…

The latest asshole person to do so? Someone with bundles and bundles of Budgeteer papers and ads that decided to toss them off the overlook (for unknown motives; I’ll keep my hypothesis to myself). As I was walking my dog today I stumbled upon this disgusting site.

CD recycling?

I am looking for a place to recycle old scratched CDs here in Duluth. Like half of the people my age, we burned tons of CDs years ago and now I have piles of them but can’t bring myself to put them in the garbage, there’s got to be a better place for them to be disposed. Any ideas?