Business Ideas for Old Downtown

What type of business do you think would survive in Old Downtown once all of the storefronts are empty by the Last Place on Earth?



about 12 years ago

An ER, a pawn shop, a McDonalds, a Payday loan outfit and a boarding house. 

Then we can wall it off and it should be self-sufficient for at least a little while.


about 12 years ago

I'm predicting a "Hamsterdam" situation from the Wire.

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Posts like this are to PDD what the LPOE is to Superior Street. We are not the DCB. We are not Area Voices. We can do better than this.


about 12 years ago

Agreed, Mr. Chase.


about 12 years ago

Barrett's got a point. And like I've said before, LPOE should move somewhere else, like near that porn palace in Hermantown, their customers will follow.


about 12 years ago

Oh, that Claire!  "I state my agreement with Barrett while simultaneously disagreeing with him by feeding the OP's intent."

Oh, that Claire!


about 12 years ago

...because porn and synthetic marijuana go hand in hand. The depth....


about 12 years ago

Ahh, the talk of DCB brings me back.  Censorship at its finest!


about 12 years ago

No, Vicarious, it's because the LPOE is a destination, the people who shop there will follow it anywhere -- even to Hermantown. Then we can all call it a day and argue about something else -- like that new burgers & beer place on Lake & Superior.

BTW, on a related note... if the election results demonstrated anything, it proved for once and for all that no one gives a damn about the political opinions of people who are too cowardly to own their words.

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Hyperbolic rants predicting the death of Old Downtown are never going to help downtown Duluth businesses. In fact, they do exactly the opposite.

If you truly are concerned about downtown businesses, there are two great ways you can help:

1) Frequent downtown businesses and spend your money there.
2) Encourage others to do the same.


about 12 years ago

So, not-in-my-backyard? Astonishing.


about 12 years ago

"BTW, on a related note... if the election results demonstrated anything, it proved for once and for all that no one gives a damn about the political opinions of people who are too cowardly to own their words."

With a bit of trepidation that I'm mirroring the long-lost Danny, I ask: Claire, what on God's Green Earth does this mean?!

I will venture a guess, I guess. You are positing that liberal-leaning Internet commenters never ever use a handle? Ever? That the general electorate bases their votes upon such handles/non-handles?

I am so very confused.

about 12 years ago

+1 to Mr. Chase.



about 12 years ago

Buy local. Eat local. Drink local.


about 12 years ago

Smoke local.


about 12 years ago

A millinery shop and school. My own personal fantasy and a little shameless self-promotion.


about 12 years ago

Vicarious, at the risk of resurrecting the ghost of "he who must not be named," my point is that there was lots of chatter on Area Voices and other blogs slamming certain candidates. I actually worried that the constant trashing of certain candidates on these social media sites might sway the general population. Erik Simonson is a case in point. He was absolutely hammered, over and over, for his family problems on Area Voices, but he was elected quite handily. What this says to me is that posting your opinions on social media sites like Area Voices without identifying yourself is about as effective as writing them on a bathroom wall.

about 12 years ago

... but the paragraph of your post to which vicarious is referring to has nothing to do with the original subject of the topic at hand.

WTF does Erik Simonson getting lambasted by a bunch of sock puppets have to do with people's opinions about what should be done with the LPOE?

Nice hijack.


about 12 years ago

Zra, if you will read the entire thread, I made that aside about Area Voices in response to Barrett's comment. Vicarious responded to my comment, and I responded to his. And now I am responding to your comment. That's how dialogue works. So sorry if it doesn't meet with your approval that every comment has to focus on one topic and one topic only.

BTW, I think Old Downtown is totally rocking these days, except for that portion of one block. We certainly spend much of our time in that area, when we go out to eat, drink, or seek out entertainment -- oftentimes doing all in the same building (Zeitgeist).

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