Canada Posts

R.I.P. Justin Paul Hair Salon

You will be missed by all.

Business Ideas for Old Downtown

What type of business do you think would survive in Old Downtown once all of the storefronts are empty by the Last Place on Earth?

Last Place on Earth first-of-the-month sale

Drive by the Last Place on Earth today and watch your tax money going up in smoke!

Jim Carlson is running for President?

Is this part of the Zombie Apocalypse?

Downtown Duluth Safety

A dead body was found in Lake Place Park on Monday. I wonder if the police could set up a mini police station in the park. What do you think?

Help take a bite out of downtown crime

Duluth News Tribune: “Police hope for downtown Citizen Patrol

Let’s take back Downtown Duluth together! Tuesday, Feb. 21, 10 a.m. at the Greysolon Plaza Fireside Room.

Duluth Crime Wave

Is anybody else a little freaked out about all the crime in Duluth lately?

A 62-year-old friend of mine was walking home from work a few weeks ago and was brutally assaulted with a hammer by St. Mary’s parking ramp and the perpetrator was never found. There was no report of this in the media.

Now this week we have muggings and a bloody dead body found on Michigan St. How come the media is not covering this? Should we start a Duluth Crime Facebook page to keep each other informed?

What do you think?

Is the Last Place on Earth ruining Duluth?

[This post originally featured a video from the Northland’s NewsCenter that is no longer available.]

Creative Ideas for Old Downtown Issues

I would love to hear any creative ideas or solutions to the safety, crime, loitering issues that are growing in Old Downtown.

What do you think?

In Duluth, synthetic pot users get high and don’t hide it