What’s the matter with Duluth girls?

This clip didn’t make it to my inbox until after Valentine’s Day, but hey, it’s 100 years old anyway, so what’s a few more days? It’s from the Feb. 4, 1912, Duluth News Tribune. A more readable version of the text appears below.


Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

"Even the fondest of mamas could ask for no better catches than Duluth has to offer."

Stephenos LaFleur

about 12 years ago

Sigh... I sadly fall into the "timid bachelor who cannot screw up courage enough to propose to the girl of their choice" category.

It is a leap year, though, so I should keep my hopes up. Or, I should write my legislator about instating a 'crushing bachelor tax' ... heh.


about 12 years ago

Think we could get the DNT to start listing eligible bachelors so us gals know who's still available? I think this Walter Dacey fella and I would get along, but something tells me I'm a little late...

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

I think the society pages might be a thing of the past, but speculating here on who the most eligible Duluth bachelors are would be fine ... you know, as long as everyone is nice about it.


about 12 years ago

It's the use of phrases like 'tentacle of the octopus' that had the ladies confused and, frankly, just a little put off.


about 12 years ago

Good question. Not sure about the article, but after 5 years in Duluth, with girls acting basically like they hate me at parties and bars, I've moved to Denver... and have been on several fun dates and have a serous girlfriend after like four weeks. Fuck you Duluth.


about 12 years ago

I hope the door didn't hit you in the ass on your way out...


about 12 years ago

Yes, you're right - there was a giant conspiracy against you and your genitals. For some reason the Denver chapter of bitter women didn't want to sign on with us.


about 12 years ago

Consuelo: That's what Dean Moriarty said.


about 12 years ago

Boy, this is a tough one.  It's hard to discount the fact that when I was in New Orleans, I was spontaneously kissed by three beautiful strange girls in a 24 hour period.  This has never happened in Duluth, ever... So, I was led to believe southern girls were better, warmer, easier, whatever.  That said, there seems to be some respect or knowledge of this among the female artistes of Duluth, so maybe they will begin to emulate.  Perhaps Consuelo was simply hanging out at the wrong parties, still I can't help but empathize with his frustration herein, and congratulate him for seeking and finding easier girls in Denver. Don't take it personally he gave a giant collective middle finger to Duluth, it was more out of sexual frustration than to any given street corner, and that's okay.  Beautiful girls are a precious commodity, spoken for before they're taken, never spent a night alone.  Unheralded exotic beauties with charms and humors that haven't gone to their heads, are tough to find and hard to land.  And sometimes, a man gets beat down trying the fray of any given sausage fest. So, with all the fanny patting occuring on PDD over life in Duluth,  I try to remind myself that every scrap of America is beautiful to someone, and home... Everywhere is a place. Mating rituals, in the main, are how gods entertain. Life is like a box of chocolates.  

 I vote Rod Raymond for most eligible bachelor, I think it's his turn to get laid, for once.


about 12 years ago

I just hate that people collectively say Duluthians are hard to get to know and that's just a fact of living here, but if it's a Duluth woman that's all over you, she's just a cold bitch.


about 12 years ago

Heh, funny article. Will there be a follow-up of each bachelor and what their outcome was? I'd be curious to know. C'mon Mr History  - Inquiring Minds Want To Know!


about 12 years ago

oops - "not all over you"

De man

about 12 years ago

Don't hate the player, hate the game?

The Big E

about 12 years ago

It wouldn't be that hard to imagine Homer Dibell having remained a bachelor.. 

The Big E

about 12 years ago

... and in fact, he did.

"Judge Dibell remained single. He had no recreations of any sort. He pursued no hobby. He devoted his entire time to work and study, with this exception, that he seemed to enjoy meeting and talking with people in his chambers or elsewhere; but, even so, he appeared to be in the pursuit of knowledge, for by skillful questions he extracted information from a visitor without the latter often realizing that any had been given."

The Big E

about 12 years ago

On the other hand, apparently Walter Dacey got over his sorrows at losing the 1930 attorney general's race and finally got married in 1934.

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