Is Duluth progressive?

I really like the orchard thing. I’ve always said the food folks were ahead of the game in Duluth They understand a basic truth. I don’t like typing here. I want the box back.


Frank Nichols

about 13 years ago

I found the box, so tell me about what we have done since I last commented and what we are about to do since it is spring.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I'm not sure what the "box" business is all about, but when Frank writes "since I last commented" I think he's referring to this post from 2010.

Duluth a progressive city?


about 13 years ago

NO! It is not...Period!


about 13 years ago

Duluth progressive? Erm no its a nordic hell.


about 13 years ago

What's the actual benchmark? Compared to somewhere else, perhaps?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Nordic hell? Norway is kind of progressive, isn't it?

Is Duluth progressive compared to Tønsberg?


about 13 years ago

I thought progressivism led to pan-Arab islamo-fascist caliphates?  Or was it Nazi-esque socialism and death panels?  I get so confused.  In any case, we should go lightly into these waters.


about 13 years ago

A city can't be progressive, only people can be.

Helmut Flaag

about 13 years ago

It's sad the progressive parts of Europe didn't transpire to 'Mericans.  Then again, it required of them the kicking of their asses to become progressive (Germany), and since that is what we are in the process of doing to ourselves, maybe we too will become progressive someday, if  our unerring sense of pride or lack of ability to examine our own foibles doesn't prevent it. But I'm not really sure what you could point to that would label Duluth more progressive than other cities in its class, it's certainly more so than Rochester. Progression usually equates to size of universities.  Having an excessive amount of bands and artists suggests people are bored shitless otherwise, locked in by bad weather and cheap housing.  Not having the sense to buy less expensive Office Max chairs, while having to auction off priceless heirlooms to pay the bills, half the town dry in classic Bringem Young style all seems a little Duluth Death Trippy to me... I think there are increasing amounts of progressive things going on here and everywhere as people realize the dire straits pollution and overpopulation are putting us in.  If all the fish and pollinators die, we're fucked forever. You just do what you can to be progressive. Orchards are a no brainer, chopping them down was a sign we didn't need fresh fruit anymore, just Spam and Ore. I planted five fruit trees last autumn, and Ill be making my own wine from them to combat the lack of progression on the east end by helping my brain to spawn new progressive ideas with fresh sparkling cider.


about 13 years ago

Not compared to a vast majority of the developed world.  The same can be said of Minnesota, and of the United States.


about 13 years ago

Duluth could be considered progressive relative to Tuskaloosa, AL, or  sleepy eye, MN.


about 13 years ago

I think compared to many other cities in Minnesota it is, and I think it depends on how you define "progressive." I've lived in Morris, Brooklyn Center, and St. Cloud Minnesota. I've also lived in Green Bay, WI and Kansas City, MO. Duluth is much more gay-friendly than many of the other places I've lived (with maybe the exception of KC, they had a veritable gay district in Westport). It has one of the highest voter turn-outs in the country and I think it's safe to say that its voting base is largely liberal. Though we could still use more, for a small town there are a large amount of resources for homeless and victims of domestic violence. 

My concern has to do with the school system as a former teacher. There still is a long way to go as far as diversity training in a small town that is largely white (about 95 percent, I heard). Many are accepting of us Natives, but stereotypes are still rampant and believed by many. There is a great deal of misunderstanding when it comes to areas like West Duluth and Central Hillside. The "those people" syndrome is pretty prevalent.

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