frank nichols Posts


As some of you know, I have long been interested in storm-water retention. Looking at these pictures of the flood, I am going to once more enter into the fray. I do not do this seeking anything, it just seems to be a common sense thing to do on so many levels. This is what I think. Take it for whatever you want. One small thing you could do.

Why are we not?

I just headed down to Goodwill to pick up a suitcase. I’m heading to Scotland to work on an organic vegetable farm for a couple of months. As I was coming back up the hill, I happened to look at the freeway and the thought came to me: Why is it that there are no solar photovoltaics on the south-facing sides of the freeway? What a perfect spot. Out of the way, not doing anything. Some places 20 to 30 feet from the ground to the road bed. South facing. Don’t have to take anything down. We own the right away. Why don’t we do something like that in Duluth? Apathy, ignorance, afraid of change, sold out to power companies, scared, need the money for hockey rinks … what’s the reason? I just don’t get it.

This is a revolution that is sweeping the world. The cost of solarvoltaics is cheaper then fossil fuels in some places. We can’t even try something so small as one solar street light. For 15 years I’ve been going on this rant. Is it going to be another 15 years? Is Duluth going to be that far behind the rest of the world? I just don’t get it.

Why is Duluth so anti progressive?

I look in the paper and see nothing about sustainability. No solar, no wind, no geo. But great music. That’s the way it is, Dem. or Rep. Why is Duluth so anti progressive?

Missing playing on NorShor main stage

Summer is going. Should get new roof on. I got 20 dollars. Tis only theater left from the old days. Talking about the NorShor. Hey I’d volunteer. It’s a great roof up there. Always thought about winning the lottery and buying the Shor and putting a Penthouse on the top with roof gardens and have Neil Young play downstairs and party upstairs later. Best stage in town. But you can’t change it. Is what it is. Leave it alone. Oh now I’m wondering. Just put it back as it is. It’s the only one left. Shoud get a roof on. I got 20 dollars.


What were the names of the people that formed the first Bob Dylan tribute band in Duluth, and where did they play? I suppose year would be good, too.

We weren’t a band when Homegrown apps. were due, but we’re playing

Is Duluth progressive?

I really like the orchard thing. I’ve always said the food folks were ahead of the game in Duluth They understand a basic truth. I don’t like typing here. I want the box back.


lastest reports are that the unemployment rate in Duluth is six point nine . Thank you Mayor Ness . It’s curious that we as a city haven’t embraced sustaniblity concepts beyon(sp) what has been done..I’m curious why we’re not more progressive. Noithing in the paper about solar prodjects. I could get down into that but Mister mayor leave a legacy.

Credit Union

This morning I miss my local credit union. Grocery store gone, hardware store gone, bank gone. It makes a difference to me.

Duluth a progressive city?

I was having a conversation with a young friend of mine today and I said Duluth is not a progressive city. But you have to look at what you have said. So I retract that and will clarify.

At the forefront of Duluth doing what I would call progressive thinking is the organic farm movement. There are good urban gardeners and also friends of ours that moved out into the country who are now raising and selling their produce. And we have an up-and-coming arts and music scene. Beyond that it slips away.

The question would be: What is a progressive city? Obviously something is lacking for me. I’d like to see a kick the jams hit on making Duluth sustainable. And what does that mean? The first thing to do when there is a big task is do the first thing right. And because I think this town lags in any sort of alternative energy program. This is a purely symbolic gesture with some overtures of functionality.

Let’s put a fund together, I pledge 50 dollars and we research and get the best solar with windturbine street light and put it on Lake and Superior. You make that intersection run under it’s own power and I’ll take off my hat to ya.

What would that do? If you could make it work it would prove you could do it. It would give a visible indication of what you could do. What is hardcore sustainability? Air, water, food. What is citywide sustainability? Much bigger deal, but it would make a progressive community.

Island powered by renewable energy


I think plant.

Close to the End

I don’t think another city on earth just did this. Wonderful time. Tried to see all. Probably saw only 20 out of 150, my apologies to those I didn’t see Aye, the roast of Rick Boo, fairly outrageous. The Rez and Too Many Banjos at Bev’s then Acceleratii then after hours ata Franks. Too many things. Saw the sun come up five times. Rip it up grasshoppers. Bone Appetite over the top. Bill Meyer backing Pat McKinnon, whoa. Sarah Krueger. Nice sound check at Trampled, nerves before going on, talking too much and Jake saved me, Spotted Mule. Fromundas, Father Hennepin, Donald Kinnsley. Lamont Cranston, so much. So many good folks, I thought it was a small Woodstock. More than I can think of, Thanks appreciate it and now I’m going to bed.

Homegrown musing

Having been at this since last Friday, I must say the feeling of Woodstock was all around it. Tried to be somewhere when the music started and it was all good. What a talented bunch. More to come. Kickball. If any of you kids have anything left, an appropriate spot would be Hells Burgers Sunday night 6 to 10 for reminiscing. I think there’s music.


Third week into Homegrown, get’s a little more evident every day. Gotta hand it to you kids. Great job. Only thing I would like to see is the old folks get playing to. They’re too late this year, but next year. Many of them can play too. It is amazing how much music is in this town.