There’s something about this book cover that makes me want to spend all day making alterations to it in Photoshop

I think I’d start with putting a Superman outfit on him. It’s a good thing I don’t have any Photoshop skills.



about 14 years ago

I like the smell of Photoshop challenge first thing in the morning.


about 14 years ago

I'd just cross out the "Former" and remind him he's still on the clock.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Just when I thought I couldn't love Ironic1 any more than I already did.


about 14 years ago

Make him Bizarro Superman.


about 14 years ago

What a way to start my day, thanks to the talented Ironic1.


about 14 years ago

Brian, the book actually comes out after he leaves office.


about 14 years ago

Do one with the I-35 bridge falling behind him.


about 14 years ago

"Courage to Stand By and Let Minnesota Drop Further Into Debt, Cut Financing For Education and Support an Unnecessary War For Oil" by Tim Pawlenty 

Or is that title too long?


about 14 years ago

Sometimes "laugh out loud" is a way to type something that is just more or less an expression.  I LITERALLY laughed out loud when that photo came up!


about 14 years ago

With all due respect to our neighbors to the south, I gotta say the Gov. has been confused for years. He clearly thought he was Gov. of Mississippi not Minnesota. How else could you explain what he has (not) done for education in this state.


about 14 years ago

Courage to Bail when the Going Gets Tough and the Consequences of His Policies Hit the State.

I have no use for this man and never will.


about 14 years ago

If Pawlenty does run for president,  I personally hope that as Minnesotans, we help the rest of the nation realize that he vetoed the transportation bill (which was over ridden by his own party) in the year prior to the 35W bridge collapse.   I know critics would say that this specific money would not have prevented the collapse, but the "big picture" is that Minnesota was (and is) in critical need of funding a deteriorating and outdated transportation system and Pawlenty simply didn't "get it" until being over ridden by his own party (and the occurrence of a disaster that attracted national attention).   I depended on that bridge to get to and from work every day, drove across the bridge 20 min. ahead of the collapse,  and living in an inner city neighborhood, went to the river myself to see what had happened when everything was still in chaos.  It will be burned in my mind forever - I never literally understood that the word "disbelief" meant there was something so overwhelming that your brain could not process it until that day.  I don't want us as Minnesotans to loose sight of, or forget the lesson that should have been learned that day.


about 14 years ago

I've lost that money would have or would not have prevented the bridge collapse?


about 14 years ago

Our transportation system was outdated, over stressed, and under funded.  This is not even a "left" issue as Pawlenty's own party over rode his veto to pass the transportation funding.   This funding was probably "too little too late" to prevent the bridge collapse, but the collapse highlights that the need for increased transportation funding was a real issue - not just "leftist" ideology.  Pawlenty was so short sighted that he can not see past his ideology to see the real need.  He chose ideology over reality even when the real data was staring him right in the face.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

I'm kind of thinking pink bunny ears might look nice on ol' T-Paw.


about 14 years ago

Still not clear on this.  So that funding would have been too little, too late to save the 35W bridge, or it would have saved it from the collapse.  If not, what does that disaster have to do with the context of the topic at-hand which seems to be "who has a funnier photoshop idea for T-Paw's dopey book cover"?


about 14 years ago

So did he write this like Palin wrote hers


about 14 years ago

Am I missing something about his life story to inspire that insipid title. Did he overcome rickets or something? Shouldn't there be a "make a" in there somewhere? Help.


about 14 years ago

Brilliant and funny, thanks for the laugh.


about 14 years ago

@ Danny - I agree.  Stick to the funniness.  This photo has a lot of parody potential.


about 14 years ago

The original title was better:

"Courage to Sit, Courage to Stand, Courage to Lie Down When Tired"

But Brandon's title is more accurate.


about 14 years ago

Gawd, he's icky. The very worst sort of politician.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

You're a wonder, Tim Pawlenty.

Thanks Mark!


about 14 years ago

Karasu, ask and you shall receive.


about 14 years ago

Bwahaha!  Love the Adam Ant one.  Thanks!


about 14 years ago

Brian wins. Nice job on the Adam Ant cover.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

My how the tables have turned.


about 14 years ago

Damn, there are some brilliant cover designers in Duluth! I'm just gratified to know that Gov. Paw - Lenty has been spending the last year at least writing a book about how great he is. Hope it is a big dud like his  terms in office have been.


about 14 years ago

Book is being published Jan. 2011 by Tyndale House, a Christian publisher in Illinois.

tom maloney

about 14 years ago

I love you, PDD.


about 14 years ago



about 14 years ago

Tim Pawlenty and Paul Lundgren -- separated at birth???


about 14 years ago

When I think of Tim, I think of:


about 14 years ago

I hope those two go for the 2012 Presidential race and Obama wouldn't have to campaign. He would just hold out the books and shake his head.


about 14 years ago

Not that I'm defending these book covers or anything, but how are they any more cheesy than this:


about 14 years ago

Or better yet, this:


about 14 years ago

Well, for me, Tim's looks pretty different than how we normally see him. The angle and thrust chest tries to make him look more... er... manly, I'm guessing that's why people thought of the superman mod. Red shirt is a transparent, hey look I'm a Republican. Sarah's is all patriotic jingoism design, red/white/blue, flag lapel. A smidgen more effort and it'd be a Cobert set piece. The first Barack cover may be uninspired, but is pretty solid, not much to say for it either way. The second cover is a little schmaltzy, but at least his body is not foisting itself upon you, nor is it graphically dog-whistling nationalistic.


about 14 years ago

Well, never thought I'd say this, but Danny has a point. They are definitely taking a leaf from Obama. Except Pawlenty does look a little more like someone stuck a poker up his... well, you know.


about 14 years ago

These are fabulous. Please make some more. 

Who buys these books? By any of these people?


about 14 years ago

It's hard to tell from Timmy's book cover, but I do not think he is ready to work for us, the American people.  Look at Barry's DFMF cover shot.  His SLEEVES ARE ROLLED UP!  He's ready to work for US!


about 14 years ago

Palin and Obama's books both have skies that suggest a gathering or maybe a clearing storm. Pawlenty's just looks like a slightly overcast day.


about 14 years ago

The Audacity of Hope cover doesn't look like it is "patriotic-tough-n-cheesie" like the others.  Obama just looks like a nerdy schoolteacher there (he was a prof at the U of Chicago for years).


about 14 years ago

Story out today that the book got released to Target a week ahead of the official launch date.

May be nothing to this, but given that Target got busted donating a wad of cash to Emmer this last political season it does raise a few questions.

about 14 years ago

America By Heart, anyone?


about 14 years ago

OMG LOL - IN the office. 
Best laugh of the morning!
Oops. Shhhh. 
Nothing to see here...
Back to work.


about 14 years ago

Doesn't this make you want to run out and read Tim Pawlenty's new book?

Presidential Primary Book Club

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

The Photoshop exercise was fun, but parodying the book-release trailer might take some serious effort.

I guess the easy thing to do would be to replace the audio with a Hulk Hogan speech.


about 14 years ago

Oh, how presidential. I can just feel the presidentiality oozing ... hey wouldn't that guy make great presidential material? Presidential-ness, isn't that something like truthiness?  How 'bout replacing the audio with some ridiculous music from a snow kite-boarding trip?


about 14 years ago

I'd agree that "settling the west" wasn't easy. I just wonder who he was thinking about when he said it.


about 14 years ago

If you say "the sky is blue" with enough conviction, and a movie soundtrack, doggone it, people are going to start believing you. (Notice the lack of "in" between those last two words.)


about 14 years ago

Wow...can't even finish my lunch after listening to that trailer.  Someone, please lend me a sharp instrument to disentangle my innards.  GW Jr. is all I can visualize.


about 14 years ago

Finding funny movies on the internet is pretty easy.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Although the content of Bachmann's book will likely be much funnier than Pawlenty's, the cover is not nearly as hilarious -- other than that she sticks with the "always wear red" rule.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I thought Dick Cheney added a nice touch with the carpet.


about 13 years ago

And the red tie!


about 13 years ago

It shows their Communist roots.


about 13 years ago

Dick Cheney is standing before the gates of hell. The only thing he's missing is a pitchfork.


about 13 years ago

"Tim Pawlenty endorsing Mitt Romney for president is akin to Miracle Whip endorsing mayonnaise." ~Paul Constant (The Stranger, Seattle, WA)


about 13 years ago

What if he'd endorsed Bachmann? Ouch!


about 13 years ago

Why can't I see Pawlenty as Superman anymore?


about 13 years ago

"Courage to Stand And Deliver" and Wonder Woman are two of the funniest things I've ever seen.  I laughed my biggest BWAHH HAH HAH ever.

So our governor was good for something after all!  A good laugh!

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

Excerpt from Killing Conservative Books: The Shocking End Of A Publishing Gold Rush. 

Tim Pawlenty, a short-lived presidential candidate in 2012, received an advance of around $340,000 for his 2010 book Courage to Stand. But the book went on to sell only 11,689 copies, according to Nielsen Bookscan, which tracks most, but not all, bookstore sales. What's more, Pawlenty's political action committee bought at least 5,000 of those copies itself in a failed attempt to get it on the New York Times best-seller list, according to one person with knowledge of the strategy.

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