Pawlenty’s latest commercial not quite as funny as previous ones; still good for laughs

[This post originally contained a video embed that has since been removed from YouTube.]

This time it isn’t a book trailer; he’s announcing that he’s exploring a bid for the presidency.



about 13 years ago

Damn it! That's 1:56 of my life I'll never get back.


about 13 years ago

Corporate tool.


about 13 years ago

Milquetoast Man steps into the Public Relations phone booth and emerges  as, well, Milquetoast Man with flashy visuals and a soundtrack. Reality and advertising are merging....can'


about 13 years ago

"I grew up a few miles from here, and back then it was home to some of the worlds largest stockyards and meatpacking plants. But when those plants shut done because my party broke unions, exported jobs overseas, and hired Mexicans to do the same work for a fraction of the pay -- that's when I realized the rich and powerful elite could do whatever they wanted to hardworking Americans, and all they would do in retaliation is blame each other and fight over the crumbs. If there's one thing Ronald Reagan taught me, it's that big business doesn't have to be accountable to anyone. There's a brighter future for one percent of America. We know what we need to do."


about 13 years ago

Re: MPR southern drawl story

Looks like TPaw will have to pull off a speech like Matt Damon in the Adjustment Bureau to get over this one. Talk about consultants for his tie colors and appropriate scuffs on his shoes.


about 13 years ago

Great. T-Paw wants to do to the rest of America what he did to Minnesota. Can Duluth become part of Canada now? Am I the only one irritated by that arrogant smirk on his face in this video?

Miles A Broad

about 13 years ago

As someone who accepts Darwin as their savior, the fossil record, science and stuff... It's hard when you realize exactly how much Fruit Salad supports him and other grave evangelical threats to our national security.  They dream of floating on white clouds with Anglo Jesus, while the innocent babies who never had the chance or money to be baptized are burning in hell. His is a never ending battle with terror and evil, so he's ready to use your tax dollars and whatever else it takes, to bring you closer to the rapture, whether you want to go or not.   Give me smallpox filled blankets any day of the week if I get to be a pagan instead.  When we're talking real American heros, the kind who do more than don red shirts and make puffy chest, there's a very real difference between Crazy Horse, and Bat Shit Crazy. One was willing to die for his country, the other is ready to get you killed for yours.


about 13 years ago

Anybody else find they were turning the volume down little by little during the whole video?


about 13 years ago

I'm amused when he says, "I've traveled to nearly every state in the country." He can't get to them all?

Also, talking about "some of the world's largest stock yards and meat-packing plants" doesn't make the past seem that great.


about 13 years ago

TPaw must support the working class if he wears a Carhartt jacket. Nothing screams honesty and integrity more than a man in a canvas jacket...he's one of us!


about 13 years ago

Miles A Broad I would love to buy you a beer sometime and soak up your vibe. We need more folks like you around here.

Laura Olson

about 13 years ago

I don't think a wishy-washy will-he-run won't-he-run kinda candidate is a good thing. And also is he running for president or making a summer blockbuster?

The Big E

about 13 years ago

Coincidentally (or not?), Forrest Gump was a summer blockbuster about a person with an affected Southern accent who was running.


about 13 years ago

@ E:



about 13 years ago

I truly pity you. So confused and lost in your individualism that you can't see past your own nose. Take some time to see the beauty around you. It wasn't by accident. And while you are doing that, be thankful that we have Patriots like GB, TP, MB, SP and CC that are looking out for you and me. If it wasn't for them, we'd be in a whirlpool of debt and dispair...


about 13 years ago

New word for the day:  "trool,"  a bit of nonsense that demonstrates how a troll is only capable of drooling.


about 13 years ago

What does Sarah Palin have to do with any of this? She is not relevant to anything that has happened concerning our nation, except maybe for entertainment value. Maybe if she had finished her job instead of quitting she would be a suitable candidate for future political ventures.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

It's always fun listening to Mr. Veto T-paw. 

The contradicting messages involved in this video are daunting, I wonder if Frank Luntz is writing for him?

Jobs, Growth, Family, Opportunity! 

That and....cut services! austerity! the battle of entitlements! class war! looting of public utilities only to be sold on the private market to friends/family! Ending unions because they destroy jobs! "shared sacrifice"! and the appointment of private industry monopoly elites to run the commerce department or head the presidents economic advisers! 

We all must sacrifice in this class war, because without the rich, you wouldn't have your service industry job.  

I bid you a good day, oh and if your hungry, I grew up on malt-o-meal, so just deal with it, K? 

the left/right paradigm facade will forever live on in the beltway of misinformation politics.  Ahhhhhhh it's like taking a warm bath.


about 13 years ago

Thank God for Patriots looking out for the richest 1%, I mean you and me. Verily- we will be trickled down upon. You are lost in your Rugged American individualism, or was it collectivism that was bad? Whatever- you can't see beyond your own whirlpool of despair! We need massive debt like Ronald Reagan and GW Bush achieved. not this kind of massive debt. Claire! #&*(@*&*(*@*#&*(&$


about 13 years ago




about 13 years ago

Hey Dim! You need to call people fucking stupid if you're trying to fill Jim's shoes.


about 13 years ago

Bahahahaha! w/ Timk


about 13 years ago

LMAO with TimK and Laura... even if Dim did take my name in vain.


about 13 years ago

And now Michelle Bachmann is talking about running for president! I can hardly wait to see her videos! I'm sure there'll be lots of fire and brimstone in them.


about 13 years ago


Hypocritical media whores. All of 'em.

"Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other."
~Oscar Ameringer

Curly Endive

about 13 years ago

Hell's half acre digit 3! Curly Endive thanks you on behalf of Miles, as he now floats down the Amazon, beyond the reach of his superiors in search of Original Man. Sometimes its a tough hoe to row here in the Norwegian Riviera, but he does his best to shake and bake anyway.  He also feels better now knowing, in fact, free beer can and should be used as a reward, and the good people of Duluth should not be afraid to accept, would that it were offered, as there were conflicting reports on this for a while. Miles is not afraid of free beer.  And he'll prove it on next chance, he just can't give his contact info here for fear of being shot by you know who, as his acerbic wit has finally proven too much to bear for some troubled souls.

And Jimb, Miles does see the beauty almost every day, in people and places, in little Japanese baby's faces, though he sometimes wishes it had more vast amounts of untracked wilderness, as he suspects God may be hiding out there with a case of dynamite, but realizes too it's okay to have his own special blend of what God means to him, and doesn't need to show up early Sunday morn and pay the tithe to have someone else tell him about it.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

I have to say I'm surprised that President Obama's new video is even worse than Pawlenty's new video.

At least Pawlenty only takes 36 seconds to say nothing.


about 13 years ago

And now Michele Bachmann is barnstorming through Iowa... Paul, have you seen any campaign videos from her?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Rep. Bachmann is still a bit coy about whether she's running. I don't think we'll ever see any videos from her because the director will probably blow up the Earth during production.


about 13 years ago

Read it and weep:

A Tea Party Star Stirs Iowans, and She Isn't Palin

And I thought Pawlenty would be a disaster. She makes him sound like a senior statesman.


about 13 years ago

There is always someone worse around the corner. That is the joy of the Overton window.

Carl Miller

about 13 years ago

I'm sooooo happy that everyone who voted for obama is just as excited about the 2012 election as they were in 2008.  I've been extremely impressed with his ability to conduct policy change within government. 

1. He closed Guantanimo Bay, where absolutely no one is being abused or psychologically destroyed. 

2. We pulled out of Iraq, yay! 

3. We "surged" in Afghanistan! Protect the Opium fields! 

4. Signed blazingly supportive whistle-blower protection laws!

5. Repealed the patriot act! yay! 

6. Stopped those big bad corporations from dodging the tax code! They thought they'd get away with it until the entire economy had collapsed! 

7. Put those wall street "banksters" out of business, replacing the SEC's employee revolving door w/fearless investigators.  At least 1, no! 2 people have been sited for unethical business practices. 

There are many many many many more instances of radical change in our beloved institutions that I can't name right now, because I need to get back to work.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

U-S-A! U-S-A! The silly videos just keep on coming.


about 13 years ago

He's taking back our country? From who- the black guy?


about 13 years ago

From the idiots who put in the black guy. Duh!

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

So he's taking America back from Americans. Got it.


about 13 years ago

That's a stretch.

Spelling Champ

about 13 years ago

Pawlenty wants to take America back to the '50s when the white men went to work, and the women stayed home, taking care of the children, and black people knew their place. Reminds me of some people in Duluth...


about 13 years ago

Jim has a valid point.  Paul did need to stretch the logic there.  As we all know after 2000, Americans don't elect the president (even when he wins the popular vote).  The electoral college elects the president.  Pawlenty is clearly trying to take America back from the electoral college.

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