Tim Pawlenty Posts

Minnesota Governors Vote PSA

Four Minnesota Governors got together to encourage Minnesotans to set a good example and vote.

Tim Pawlenty for President

It’s official now. He said it.

“I’m Tim Pawlenty, and I’m running for President of the United States.”

Pawlenty’s latest commercial not quite as funny as previous ones; still good for laughs

[This post originally contained a video embed that has since been removed from YouTube.]

This time it isn’t a book trailer; he’s announcing that he’s exploring a bid for the presidency.

Colbert takes on Pawlenty’s dramatic ads

At PDD, we compared Pawlenty to Superman, among other things, for his chest-puffed image on his book cover. Stephen Colbert one ups us by comparing him to Brawny Man.

At PDD, we called Pawlenty President of the United States of Apocalypse after viewing his book trailer. Colbert says Pawlenty is “running for President of the next Transformers movie.” That one could probably go either way.

Tim Pawlenty: President of the United States of Apocalypse

There’s something about this book cover that makes me want to spend all day making alterations to it in Photoshop

I think I’d start with putting a Superman outfit on him. It’s a good thing I don’t have any Photoshop skills.