Tim Pawlenty: President of the United States of Apocalypse



about 14 years ago

Geez - I almost want to go see that "movie."

Dave Sorensen

about 14 years ago

Scarey music- Save me strong-man Tim!


about 14 years ago

"Settling the West (AKA genocide) wasn't easy, but we did it!" -TPaw


about 14 years ago

I do like that this was posted under Creepy Stuff.


about 14 years ago

Wait, is he running for President or an Oscar nomination? I'm confused.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

It is very "movie-like." I want to see the shocker ending where he saves the planet from an asteroid.

The Big E

about 14 years ago

Triumph of the Swill.


about 14 years ago

Is this the actual trailer released by T-Paw or did someone modify it for comedic effect?


about 14 years ago

Shane, it's taken verbatim off of Fox's website. Maybe someone hacked into their website and posted it there. All I know is, it gets the adrenaline running, I'm thinking Harrison Ford is going to pop out any second, and tell the bad guys to get off his plane, like in that movie!

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Comment #56 on the old post about the Courage to Stand cover includes a video parody of this trailer, but the original is so comically cheesy that it's hard to parody it.

By the way, this video was released as a trailer for the book, even though Fox News published it with the headline "Tim Pawlenty releases stunning campaign video." 

(Fox is technically correct I suppose, if who-is-anyone-fooling guidelines are applied. And Fox is certainly correct that the video is "stunning," although maybe what is meant by "stunning" varies from person to person.)


about 14 years ago

Thanks, I think being filed under creepy is a good place for it.


about 14 years ago

I just wish I could expectorate that fallacious little Mink onto my kitchen floor, mop him up, and flush him down my garbage disposal somehow. I'd work minimum wage to pay five grand and go one round with him.  All right, I'm calm now....


about 14 years ago

Freedom = FEAR, or Be afraid America be very afraid! 

It takes real courage to foist this continual nonsense on the gullible citizens of this country, who evidently are buying into this BS.  

Please STOP.


about 14 years ago

Paul, that's the BOOK TRAILER? Sheezus Almighty.... Cheesiest book trailer EVER. Now, Laurie Hertzel's book trailer rocks!


about 14 years ago

"In a world..."


about 14 years ago

Books have trailers?


about 14 years ago

It's the latest trend, Rae, in our increasingly high-tech, visual society. Don't know how effective it is as a marketing gimmick, but a lot of book publishers have been producing them for the last two or three years or so. I wish I had a link to Laurie Hertzel's trailer for News to Me, produced by U of MN press, it's fabulous.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Ms. Hertzel's trailer:

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Although book trailers on YouTube might be a new trend, the idea of a book trailer goes back at least to the 1980s.

And there must have been TV spots for versions of the Bible and probably some other books that go back decades further.


about 14 years ago

Thanks for posting the News to Me book trailer, Paul, I should have done it myself, but I am a dork, did not think to post it instead of just raving about it!


about 14 years ago

Thanks a lot for posting this! Not only did I waste a minute 26 seconds of my life watching it, now I have to clean the vomit off of my key board!


about 14 years ago

It's just catchy and edgy enough to scare the piss out of any red blooded socialist fearin conspiracy theorist whackjob...

...from a Clear And Present Danger/Red Dawn perspective, that is.


about 13 years ago

Yeah. Funny. Easy to miss the crap when there are so many great books out there. Who even wrote Courage to Stand anyways?


about 13 years ago

Git r duuuun!!

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Brace yourselves. Another thrilling Pawlenty video:


about 13 years ago

I guess the marketing firm for the "book trailer" had a 2 for 1 deal. Ugh.


about 13 years ago

Um, when did the U.S. become occupied? I like the flashes of color in the ad, just so, you know, nobody gets any ideas.


about 13 years ago

Oh, and compare his praise for a movement growing and making a difference with this ad:


about 13 years ago

I guess T-Paw is stocking up on apocalyptic ads.


about 13 years ago

Is that Too Many Banjos' music on the Hertzel promo?

I can't get enough of that "take our country back" bullshit. Back from who? The black guy? I thought so. 


about 13 years ago

Loony-ass huck is gonna be the nominee.


about 13 years ago

Sparhawk, I am pretty sure the band on Laurie Hertzel's book trailer is not Too Many Banjos, I will ask her. I love them, though! Great sound.

Lojasmo -- sad when loony-Ass Huck is the most sane of the insane Repubs running... at least he's not a sell-out opportunist like our boy, T-Paw.


about 13 years ago

They can "take America back" when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.


about 13 years ago

OK Zra. That will make it easier. If you want to see who your next President will be, watch this: 

A true Patriot that knows what this country needs. He'll crush the silly little socialists and unite us in a way that hasn't happened since post WWII. I'd go to war for this guy...


about 13 years ago

Jim, you'd go to war for a toasted cheese sandwich.  Don't fool yourself, the rest of America doesn't sit around waxing monkey to Paw and Palin like you'd have yourself believe, this is where the counselor would come in, to help you realize we didn't get anything for killing a half million Iraqis, just cost us our economy.  Do yourself a favor and start getting your news from more than one source.


about 13 years ago

Jim, if that guy wants to rail against tyrannical government, he should rail against Scott Walker. The fact that the Tea Baggers are supporting such a tyrant who has no respect for the United States Constitution or for Wisconsin residents tells me everything I need to know about the intelligence of you and your Tea Bag friends. I'm not impressed.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Congressman West sees a class warfare between the "producing class" and the "entitlement class."

Some people break it down to the "haves" and "have nots."

The thing is, the working poor are part of the "producing class" and the "have nots." So whose side will they be on in the class war?


about 13 years ago

An interesting take on book trailers from my friend Ed Nawotka:

Survey: Are Book Trailers an Efficient Use of Marketing Dollars?

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