Geek Prom rip off or homage?

“First ever Geek Prom set for Tango’s Ballroom”



about 15 years ago

no mention of the original. 



about 15 years ago

Not only does the local drive-time DJ/promoter not mention the original, he makes it sound like it is his own invention. There's no way he hasn't heard of our Geek Prom. Ripoff!


about 15 years ago

"Tim Hartt, the drive-time disc jockey at WMZK-FM (104)."

This name sounds familiar.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

Familiar indeed. Tim Hartt lived in Duluth a few years ago and knows all about the existing Geek Prom.

Total ripoff.


about 15 years ago

Hmm. Maybe Geek Prom should've be trademarked? Anyway, what a lame rip-off.


about 15 years ago

i got an idea...i'll boost a concept i gleaned from Duluth, and promote it in a city THE NEXT STATE OVER.

Nobody'll suspect a thing.


about 15 years ago

"Hartt came up with the Geek Prom after thinking about some people's less-than-ideal prom experiences. This prom, he decided, would be a party for those who didn't exactly fit in back in high school."

He doesn't just make it sound like he came up with the idea, he takes full credit. Someone needs to send some kind of geeky press release to Wassau calling this guy out.


about 15 years ago

Bands that sound like Nickelback? Well hot damn that's just what geeks love! Sounds like Tim Hartt really knows how to have a good time with the indoors kids.

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

I applied, with the help of Geek Prom's crack legal team, for a trademark/service mark in 2006, for whatever that's worth.

I'd be inclined to not worry much about this Wausau event since it's at least partially for charity, but the inclusion of a Nickelbackish band is such an insult to geekdom that a cease and desist letter is probably in order.


about 15 years ago

time plus occurrence sets precedence? plus: nowhere in the annals of Geek Prom does his name appear as an organizational member.

tomasz set it straight with linky on their comments.


about 15 years ago

not to mention using "nickelback-ish" is a sure fire guarantee that it'll be a first class douche fest.


about 15 years ago

I know this guy a little bit ... I wouldn't take him too seriously.  The paper just ran a press release that was probably written by Tim, himself, btw.  

Word is that when budgets are cut in news organizations, the fact-checkers and editors are some of the first to go.  I think they might be willing to correct the record if you sent a letter to to the editor with some of the facts, like that this isn't the first-ever geek prom and that Tim has no standing to claim that it was his idea. 

Then again, I think you might want to just copyright it, patent it... or whatever you do with those things. If it is that important to you that no one else do anything like it then your should protect your vision. Plus you could license it to other localities and make some money for you or your causes then if you want.  If you don't care that much then just let it go.  But you probably won't be very happy if you choose a middle ground, like holding on to it emotionally but not doing anything about it in the real world. Just my sense of things.


about 15 years ago

Franchising Geek Prom makes a lot of sense. I hope everything works out. Geek Prom is one of the great reasons for living in Duluth.


about 15 years ago

Tim Hartt is a former DJ for 102.5 FM in Duluth. He ran the Norshor for a few months in 2004.


about 15 years ago

Just for kicks, send the newspaper a Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notice.


about 15 years ago

Check out pics from, ahem, "Geek Prom."


about 15 years ago

Man, that kind of shit pisses me off. He could have given Duluth credit.


about 15 years ago

after looking at those pics, I'd say we would want NO connection...perhaps other than a licensing fee.


about 15 years ago

Whoa. Those are the un-geekiest geeks I've ever seen. Not too surprising...Wausau, WI is the most middle-of-the-road place on Earth. It's fitting that their "geeks" would be only very slightly geekish.

In fact, I think their geekdom is actually natural; there does not appear to be any dress-up geekishness going on there. They are simply geeky due to there extreme boring-ness.

Tim Hartt

about 14 years ago

Whats with all the moaning!!!???I did do radio in Duluth and I loved and was treated wonderfully there. I hope to come and visit some old friends soon. I researched several different "GEEK PROMS" in 7 different states. I'ts not my concept or YOURS!!! it was a fixture in Arizona way before Duluth. I wanted to do a radio event for fun and did so.It is the first ever Geek Prom in Wausau.I have never been to a Geek Prom in Duluth but I am sure it was a completely different experience than this CONCERT in Wausau. I did in fact use the name because of hearing about it in Duluth. Like I mentioned before I had never attended the one in Duluth. This was MY idea to have a concert for somewhat misfit listeners for a lousy Ten Bucks! Duluth has a wonderful music scene that cannot be duplicated but can be idealized for other areas of the world. GOD BLESS YOU HATERS!!! You keep my radio juices flowing!! Tim Hartt

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Tim, I think the moaning is over this statement from the Wausau Daily Herald article:

"Hartt came up with the Geek Prom after thinking about some people's less-than-ideal prom experiences."

That's a little different than: 

"I researched several different "Geek Proms" in 7 different states. It's not my concept or yours!!!"

Tim Hartt

about 14 years ago

Bottom line Paul...I was not looking for anything but a good show for a charitable cause... Success!! I do love the city of Duluth and tell Donnie Ness I said HI


about 14 years ago

bottom line, tim, you were looking to pass off an event concept as your own when it clearly wasn't. having worked in duluth, you were at least aware of the concept, and when you (thankfully) moved on to other markets, you didn't count on the interwebs outing your attempt at owning an idea that clearly wasn't yours.


about 14 years ago

your doublespeak reminds me of many a sleazy politician, tim. ever thought of running for office?

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