Excuse Me, Princess!!


Very new Duluthian high school indie rock band Excuse Me Princess has released a video for their song entitled “Some Time to Kill”! It’s pretty radical, I’d say.


A Critic

about 15 years ago

Radical?  Hardly.  Don't get ahead of yourselves.  The video is amazingly boring and the music, while catchy at first feels a little repetitive after a while.  I'm not suggesting you need to give up your dream and start a carpet cleaning business instead, but don't come out telling me how radical you are either.


about 15 years ago

Their youth is what makes them radical. There aren't enough kids with the motivation to form a band, write some songs and shoot some video- regardless of talent. You gotta start somewhere. It would be a good idea to get someone else to post "promotional" material, though.


about 15 years ago

sorry dudes - I had to see if it was ready to be liked, because I've never gotten an opinion before. But I'm pretty sure this has helped me more than it's hurt you ;D

Paul Lundgren

about 15 years ago

It looks to me like the band had a lot of fun. I hope the critics don't spoil it.


about 15 years ago

The violin run through a big muff pedal is radical.
Nice job on the song, it is catchy. Keep it up.

Lord Phosphorus

about 15 years ago

What's radical is high school kids actually playing real musical instruments in a real band making real music instead of douching out on a stupid game controller pretending to make music instead.


about 15 years ago

everyone likes that I said "radical" XDDD anyway, thanks for the comments, good and bad :)

A Critic

about 15 years ago

Princess, I'm glad I didn't discourage you.  That was not my intent.  I almost didn't comment because I knew any negative comment would be met with kneejerk positive comments to offset me, whether they believe it or not, and of course that is exactly what happened, but I didn't want it to go by without any comments at all either, which probably wouldn't have happened if I hadn't have said something negative(shudder).  When I was in a band, I wish somebody would have given me some real criticism, instead of sugarcoating everything.  I hope to hear more from you.


about 15 years ago

not gonna lie, though, your comment was pretty useful to me; I never really noticed how repetitive the song was till just then... I think that help the song a lot if we mixed it up a little more :)


about 15 years ago

I think they were using "radical" in the 1980s skateboarding/BMX biking sense.  


And it is, radical in that way.  As annoyed as I was with the critic's attack I think he was right, no one would have commented if he hadn't started by saying something. I was more interested in bar distance calculations than in checking this out till I saw it was getting some play. I feel kind of dumb about that, too.  But I don't think the responses were all knee-jerk, either.  I for one, totally agree with TimK that it is fantastic - or radical, if you will - that those kids are making music in the first place, let alone putting it out there for feedback from this geezer-infested zone.


about 15 years ago

I'm with everyone encouraging you and echoing that not enough high school aged folks have the motivation nowadays to get together and put together real music like this. As long as you keep having fun with it, you'll find a place in the Duluth music scene one way or another.

So keep it up.

Also, bonus kudos if your band's name is the old Legend of Zelda animated series reference I think it is.


about 15 years ago

it's TOTALLY a reference to that!! you rock, my friend.

Andrew O

about 15 years ago

I think that it is amazing that someone who is barely in high school has already performed at the last High School Battle of the Bands at the DECC while still in middle school (Completely Random) and is out there making videos and posting them here for Duluth to see and hear.  

It is radical to see someone so young also playing Beaners Central, going to all ages Black Eyed Snakes shows @ Luce, and even sneaking into the Dead Weather and other shows at First Avenue.  This kid already has more experience than half the people who post here and deserves what ever help the "hipsters" out there can provide.

My edorsement may do more harm than good, but even as a critic I see more benefit in building up someone young than tearing them down. I interviewed excusemeprincess at the last Battle of the Bands and was amazed by his performance in front of thousands on a huge stage... Those of you out there in the know should help this kid out.  He is radical!


about 15 years ago

I work at SHS and I have seen a rise in interest in playing in bands because of music games.  It's just another way to consume music.

Every year we have a battle of the bands with 4-6 acts.  I think there are lots of teen basement bands but most leave, move on, or give up.  We don't have the best infrastructure to support a diverse music scene in this area.


about 15 years ago

I love this song, you are all adorable IMHO....go for it, your talent is refreshing, creative and fun. Five stars. (does the bear have a name?)


about 15 years ago

i like this song a lot. the pure motivation to do this sure is swell. if it was a new pavement or yo la tengo single A critic prob. wouldn't have so much beef.


about 15 years ago

all hail the duluth youth who make real music and keep the scene alive .. lordy knows we were all there once ... Michigan street studio rulez!

A Critic

about 15 years ago

Ha! I love this thread.  My favorite part is that it seems that Excuse Me Princess is the only one who didn't seem to take offense to me making a criticism about the music.  Believe me, princess, this will definitely help you in the future.  Too few people can hear something negative about themselves and make good use of it.  The other thing I love is most of the commenters say nothing about the music, only that they are so happy to see youth making music.  I toatlly agree with that part, never said that I didn't.  Oh and d_, I have listened to more demo tapes in my life than most and heard brilliant music and complete shit too, and it didn't matter whether I had heard of the band or not.  I appreciate music in all forms but am not afraid to say what I think either.

Andrew O

about 15 years ago

I thought the song was unique and catchy.  It is cool that they made a video and are putting themselves out there.  

It shows how big of a person that the artist is taking a shot from someone who hides behind a fake name on the internet and didn't have a single positive thing to say.  "I'm not afraid to say something... (except my real name...)"  

The true test of bravery!

You say, "I have listened to demos in my life"... So I guess your negative opinion means something then?  Were they demos of the Backstreet Boys?  

A Critic

about 15 years ago

Ok, I was waiting for that.  I knew somebody would pull out the old anonymous card.  It is always the last desperate attack of a person too lazy to find an arguement of substance.  Like "Andrew O" is any less anonymous.  OMG!! Andrew O has commmented!  The GREAT ANDREW O.!!  I don't put my name because it wouldn't mean anything to anybody and because it's none of your business actually.  If that means you want to disregard my comments, that's fine with me Andrew O.  It wasn't meant for you anyways.  I am just curious as to why everybody thinks me saying that a song is a little repetitive is such a horrible mean spirited attack.  The attacks on me have been much meaner.  Not that I care, bring it on, bring it on.  And Andrew, the Backstreet Boys comment really doesn't make any sense to me.  Yes, I have heard music much worse that Backstreet Boys on demos as have I heard much much better.  The point in saying that I have listened to many demos was not to show how much my opinion matters but to rebut the arguement that I only would have like the song if it had been Pavement or Yo La Tengo or some other named band.  I suggest you think through your arguements next time.  Nevermind, now that I know it is you Andrew O, I will just tell you the next time I see you.


about 15 years ago

Hey Critic:

Please stop pretending your condescending slobber is helpful criticism.



about 15 years ago

thanks for that... I wanted to tell them but I was afraid they'd yell at me


about 15 years ago

er, well... leaving aside the merits of the song for a now, I will say that most everyone who has posted in this thread is known one way or another from previous comments/posts, and in Andrew's case it doesn't take much to actually glean exactly who the person is in the community, you don't have to agree with him, but at the minimum he is willing to take ownership of what he says.
So, strictly speaking on anonymity issues, it is a valid point to  bring up. If you are going to offer direct criticisms you should be willing to do so from a position of openness. It is a lot easier to "be honest" (or at least make that claim) when you don't have to personally answer for it. But, enough of that. Blarty blarty blarty, so to speak.

As to the actual song. I like quite a lot of it. I thought musically it was pretty good, it runs a tad long, which might be the basis for the "too repetitious" comment, all songs are repetitious it's all a  matter of how much of the same thing you can get away with before the listeners tune out. Definitively keep the violin and keyboard/s, it adds good texture to the sound. The video make me almost motion sick at times, but that is really beside the point.

Above all, I want to echo what nearly everyone has said here. Keep at it. I can see some talent here, and you gotta have that, but talent is only one part of the whole picture. Work at it, have fun at it, take what other people say with a grain of salt. You rock

A Critic

about 15 years ago

Resol, I stopped my criticism with my first comment, the rest of it has simply been refuting attacks on me personally.  So I am not pretending anything.  Maybe Andrew O. is known to you edge, but not to me.  Like I said before signing my name will mean nothing to anybody. I am a nobody who just wanted to comment on the song, I did that, and got taken to task for not being pc and lovey dovey.  Maybe now you will be attacked for saying it runs a bit long.

greg cougar conley

about 15 years ago

I think that the BEST parts of the song are the repetitive bits.  

I also think that when someone refers to something as 'radical' it automatically makes the thing referenced radical.

Andrew Olsen and asshole critic: you've got a lot to learn.  From me.  Sign up for my classes, asses!


about 15 years ago

Well, not radical per se.

I think it sounds a little like old velvet underground or something.

It is somewhat repetitive, but it doesn't bother me at all.

Many bands' demos sucked.  I just watched "It might get loud" and the old U2 demos were downright attrocious.

Keep it up. 

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