PDD Quiz Posts

PDD Quiz: September 2020 in Review

Step right up to another PDD current events quiz and see how much you remember about this month’s headlines!

The next PDD quiz will look back at Halloween high jinks; it will be published on Oct. 11. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Oct. 8.

PDD Quiz: Railroads, Trains and Depots

Photo courtesy of the Northeast Minnesota Historical Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth.

All aboard for this week’s PDD quiz! Test your knowledge of local railroads, depots, and other train-related trivia.

The next PDD quiz will review this month’s headlines; it will be published on Sept. 27. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Sept. 27.

PDD Quiz: August 2020 in Review

Another month is nearly over, which means it’s time for the PDD current events quiz!

The next PDD quiz, on train and railroad trivia, will be published on Sept. 13. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Sept. 10.

PDD Quiz: Street Namesakes

All map images retrieved from Google Maps.

Howard Gnesen, Morris Thomas, Jean Duluth … how much do you know about the namesakes of the region’s double-named roads? Take this week’s PDD quiz to find out!

The next PDD quiz, on August’s headlines and happenings, will be published on Aug. 30. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Aug. 26.

PDD Quiz: July 2020 in Review

The fleeting summer continues to fly by. How closely did you pay attention to local headlines? Quiz on to test your memory!

The next PDD quiz, on the topic of street namesakes, will be published on Aug. 16. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Aug. 12.

PDD Quiz: Northland Swimming Spots

What better way to beat the summer heat than to visit your favorite local beach or swimming hole? Whether you prefer a secret pool in the woods or a popular beach, options abound. Dive into this week’s quiz to test your knowledge of area swimming spots!

The next PDD quiz will review the headlines from July 2020; it will be published on July 26. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by July 22.

PDD Quiz: June 2020 in Review

See how much you remember about the events that made headlines this month!

The next PDD quiz will explore area swimming spots; it will be published on July 12. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by July 8.

PDD Quiz: Superior’s Architectural Details

This week’s quiz is a companion to last month’s Duluth architectural details quiz. See how many Superior buildings you can identify based on their architectural features (and a few written clues)! To learn more about the buildings in this quiz, check out the Wisconsin Historical Society website, which was an invaluable resource for this quiz.

The next PDD quiz will test your knowledge of June 2020 headlines; it will be published on June 28. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by June 24.

PDD Quiz: May 2020 in Review

Test your memory of May 2020 headlines and happenings with this week’s PDD Quiz!

The next quiz will be another architectural details quiz, this time highlighting buildings in Superior; it will be published on June 14. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by June 10.

PDD Quiz: Duluth’s Architectural Details

Can you identify some of Duluth’s historic architecture based on decorative details (and a few hints)? Quiz on to find out!

The next PDD quiz will test your knowledge of May 2020 headlines; it will be published on May 31. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by May 27.

PDD Quiz: April 2020 in Review

Another month is nearly at an end as Duluth inches toward summer. Put your memory in gear for this month’s quiz, which reviews April headlines!

The next PDD quiz will test your ability to identify area buildings based on architectural details; it will be published on May 17. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by May 12.

PDD Quiz: Parks of Superior

With other venues closed and the weather getting nicer (for the most part), public parks offer an opportunity to get out of the house while still maintaining social distance. Test your knowledge of the parks of Superior (and the surrounding area) in this week’s quiz!

The next PDD quiz, reviewing the month’s headlines, will be published on April 26. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by April 23.

PDD Quiz: March 2020

Well … it sure has been a month. Take a brief reprieve from everything else going on by testing your knowledge of local headlines.

The next PDD quiz, on Superior parks, will be published on April 12. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by April 9.

PDD Quiz: Prohibition in the Twin Ports

To mark the centennial of the start of nationwide Prohibition, this week’s quiz explores how residents of the Twin Ports adapted to (and circumvented) laws banning alcohol.

The Zenith City website, the Northeast Minnesota Historical Center collections, and the book Naturally Brewed, Naturally Better: The Historic Breweries of Duluth and Superior by Pete Clure and Tony Dierckins were all invaluable sources of research for this quiz.

The next PDD quiz, reviewing headlines from March 2020, will be published on March 29. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by March 26.

PDD Quiz: February 2020 in Review

Give your brain a workout with this current events quiz!

The next PDD quiz will test your knowledge of Prohibition in the Twin Ports; it will be published on March 15. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by March 10.