Geeky Posts

Working through a personal record collection from Gabriel’s

The $5 bag sale happens a few times a year at Gabriel’s Books. I swung by on Saturday and filled a grocery sack with a book on new testament theology by Rudolf Bultmann (what kind of nerd has a favorite theologian, in this case an “existential theologian” committed to “demythologizing” the Bible?), and a book by Frederic Wertham (now that is comic nerd excellence right there) and a stack of 45rpm records.

A People’s History of the People’s Free Skate

Hear the totally true story of the People’s Free Skate Rink from its creators: Lake Superior Aquaman and Robot Rickshaw interviewed by Ryan Welles on his podcast “True Stories and Other Damage.” Featuring the genesis of it, all the behind the scenes information, anecdotes, and a few extravagant claims, finishing up with the harrowing account of our iceberg ride.

May the Fourth (Doctor) be with You on Free Comic Book Day

May Fourth was a great day for nerds around the Duluth area. Claimed by Star Wars fans with the slightest bit of imagination, only the slightest, the Fourth of May is Star Wars Day. I cringe, still, every time I hear someone say “May the Fourth be with You.” Except when William Shatner says it, because the irony I read into it is delicious.

Duluth featured on Supernatural again

Last night’s episode of Supernatural took place in Duluth. The episode “Gods And Monsters” aired on the CW network.

This isn’t the first time Duluth has been featured in the long running show. The second season’s “Born Under a Bad Sign” episode had a character who was working at a Duluth bar. Several episodes have featured other Minnesota towns, such as Hibbing and Stillwater.

Interview with the Richardson Brothers

Ryan Welles interviewed the Richardson brothers today on his “True Stories and Other Damage” podcast. In it, we detail the history of how we got to Duluth 20 years ago, and provide an overview of the creative projects we have been involved with here, from Gonzo Science to Mr. Nice to Lake Superior Aquaman. Other topics include our perennial concerns of psychedelics, UFOs, Dadaism, and several things in between.

Boards and Brews

I’ve attended two fun games nights lately. “Boards & Brews” is an event sponsored by UMD Alumni Relations, Bent Paddle Brewing, and Dungeon’s End Game Store. UMD provides snacks, Bent Paddle sells beer, and Dungeon’s End teaches games.

Brewing or Brewery? A Guide to Proper Beer Nouns in Duluth

With all the breweries popping up in Duluth and surrounding communities, it’s hard to keep the names straight. In casual conversation, no one really cares if you say “Earth Rider Brewery” or “Earth Rider Brewing,” but if you are one of the last copy editors in town who still has a job, for example, you might consider it important to distinguish which brew-suffix goes with each entity.

Duluth’s Robot Rickshaw is the geekiest thing

Jeff Pesek of Tech{dot}MN celebrates Duluth’s Robot Rickshaw in the article “Robot Rickshaw is the geekiest thing in Minnesota’s tech scene.”

A rapidly-deployable, human-driven, two wheeled cart full of robots that play music. Piloted by a lunatic in a hazmat suit+teddy bear.

Rickshaw is Troy Rogers, and the article is cool.

Lake Superior Aquaman’s Duluth

Explore this interactive map for the bounty of our Northlandic Atlantis. Containing hundreds of photos, video and links, this is a virtual tour of the area with a focus on water, wildlife, history, and recreation.

Video Archive: Original Star Wars ends run in Duluth

The clip was featured on PDD once before, just a year ago, when actress Carrie Fisher died. Today we roll it out again to mark the 40th anniversary of the day the original Star Wars movie closed in Duluth — Dec. 22, 1977. It was screened 459 times during a 191-day run.

How tall trees feed themselves

A faculty member at the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Biology Department has conducted research on tall trees that has been published in Nature Plants and will be highlighted in the journal Nature. Assistant Professor Jessica Savage has been teaching at UMD for about a year and is the lead author of a paper detailing the process tall trees use to transport sugar or feed themselves.

The article, “Maintenance of Carbohydrate Transport in Tall Trees,” was published today on An online subscription is required to fully nerd out and read the work, but a 277-word abstract is available for free.

Duluth Nerd Nite organizer opens game store in St. Paul

Grand Opening at Gaming Goat St. Paul.

The Gaming Goat in St. Paul is operated by Jeremy, who is one of the founding members of Nerd Nite Duluth. He still returns to Duluth for nearly every Nerd Nite to host, so in my mind, he’s still part of Duluth, and so his shop is worth a visit the next time you are in St. Paul.

Two Duluthians were guests at Chapel Con in Albert Lea

This past weekend was Chapel Con, a comics and pop culture convention in Albert Lea, Minn. Two Duluthians were guests — two of our favorite comics creators.

A Certain Kind of Nerd: Wrestling, Art, Politics, Nerds, Games

It’s Nerd High Culture in Duluth this week.

Duluth MakerSpace in full swing

Duluth MakerSpaceDuluth’s 10,000+ sq. ft. cooperative member workshop is in full swing this month. Duluth MakerSpace offers a different class or event every night in February — everything from welding to electronics to soap making. Wednesday nights are also free demo nights with a different demonstration each week. 

Paid membership is not necessary to take classes or attend demo nights.