Geeky Posts

PDD user account registration problem fixed

Anyone trying to create a user account for Perfect Duluth Day from Saturday night to this morning, probably saw this:

The problem is fixed, and creating an account should work now. We apologize to those who were frustrated by this.

PDD transferring to new server

Server Migration

Server Migration

Here is what monitors look like when one spends his Saturday night migrating Perfect Duluth Day to a new VPS server. The amount of data currently used by PDD is 3.4GB, needless to say that takes a little while to transfer and reconfigure.

Oh, side-note, the old server was in Canada the new one is in the USA. I feel so patriotic right now!

Amazing Aurora!

It’s visible in Finland — as in northern Europe, not Finland, Minn.

A Little Help from my Friends

I recently got hosed big time by Go Daddy. My domain was up for renewal and instead of notifying me, they sold it. Now I have a new domain, but I lost my search engine standing (my old site was numbers 1,2 and 3 for a Google search of my name). Anyway, if you have a minute, give my new site a click and help a guy out. Thanks.

Old iMac + not-so-old MacBook =

We acquired an old iMac, went to upgrade the OS today and got an error about it not having an Intel processor …. we like the big screen and the prioress has a not as old MacBook she wants to DX for an AirBook.

(1) Is there any way for a common man to take the good parts from the MacBook and update the iMac?

(2) Are there any other suggestions for the old iMac? Can we load some flavor of Linux on it for the web-savvy here at the Mission?

PDD Background Color Change

As most of you have probably noticed, Perfect Duluth Day has changed its background colors. The changeover started several days ago, and there have been some issues with the old colors popping up in a few spots …

… but we think we’ve taken care of all of those issues now. Please let us know if you see the old colors popping up anywhere.

Also, let us know if you love or hate the change. If you love the change it will make us feel good. If you hate the change we will get all defensive and accuse you of having poor taste.

Question about Nerd Night

I was wondering about the tone of the Nerd Night events at Teatro Zuccone, as in, are they appropriate for children? I have an 11-year-old boy with Asperger syndrome who probably would like to see the robotics demonstration, but I don’t want to put him into any situations that he would not understand. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch people!

Local Gaming Business in Dire Straits

A few weeks ago, I posted that I wished that businesses in need of help to make it through a rough patch would tell us, so we could eat there more often or buy more goods. Today, I got this message.

We would like to thank the wonderful gaming & comic community for another year serving all of you in Downtown Duluth. However as 2011 has been a tough year sales wise and the store is in a bit of a bind. Now as when we got started, Dragon Port needs to make an appeal to the community to give us a hand.

NASA Time Lapse

Seeing what makes the northern lights happen from space is pretty amazing. Time lapse photos shot from about 350 km above earth.

Perfect Duluth Day’s 10,001st Post

Last night’s “Lost Grey Cat in Lincoln Park” post was the 10,000th post on Perfect Duluth Day. We didn’t realize it at the time, and forgot to drop balloons from the ceiling.

Quantity is no substitute for quality, so let’s celebrate by linking to favorite posts from the past. Dig into those archives and find your favorites. And find that lost grey cat, too.

Fiber in Duluth – What’s the haps?

Since this summer, I’ve seen several large, blaze orange coils of fiber optic cable being installed throughout the city. As of today I spotted some by Holy Rosary and up near Home Depot on Central Entrance.

Does anyone know if our Google overlords are trying to pull a fast one on us? Were area ISPs startled into actually building out their networks up here? Please tell me I’ll be browsing the Internet at satisfyingly fast speeds in the near future.

Bike Share in Duluth-Superior?

Discussion is getting underway today about setting up a bike share system here in the Twin Ports, modeled after the Nice Ride MN nonprofit in the Cities. In case you missed it, check out this article in the DNT.

The basic idea behind the Nice Ride system is to provide affordable access to bicycles for short trips inside the city, as an alternative to taking the bus or driving a car.

Zombies invade UMD Oct. 27

Join us for a zombie-themed symposium that is free and open to the public. Six UMD professors will give talks about how their work relates to zombies. Refreshments appropriate for the topic will be served. BYOB (Bring Your Own Brain).

Google features Angela’s Bella Flora

Google has been increasingly active in Minnesota lately. It joined the Minnesota High Tech Association, has been hiring, and held a series of workshops in St. Paul.

I’m tickled … Angela’s Bella Flora has been featured as part of Google’s Minnesota Get Online initiative.

Pinball in the Ports

With Collector’s Connection’s recent addition of a pinball lineup I have gotten the bug again for this lost art. I was wondering what machines are in the area and what condition the machines are in. Can be private or public.

Collector’s Connection has a decent lineup of Solid State

  • Data East’s Laser Wars
  • Williams’ Junkyard
  • Stern’s Magic
  • Data East’s Tales from the Crypt (The only good machine Data East made)

Even though none of those games are my favorite, it is a solid and much appreciated lineup. All the but the Stern machine in good condition.

Other machines, or Port pinball stories to share?

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