PDD transferring to new server

Server Migration

Server Migration

Here is what monitors look like when one spends his Saturday night migrating Perfect Duluth Day to a new VPS server. The amount of data currently used by PDD is 3.4GB, needless to say that takes a little while to transfer and reconfigure.

Oh, side-note, the old server was in Canada the new one is in the USA. I feel so patriotic right now!



about 13 years ago

Smooth work- can't even tell. Thanks for keeping us running!

Cory Fechner

about 13 years ago

No posts were harmed (lost) in the making of this film (migration of data).  Although we did kill 6 comments and here is their memorial.



about 13 years ago

"...le-et freedom riiinggg..."



about 12 years ago

Were the posts killed for technical migration reasons or for other reasons?  For example, my killed post was on topic and accurate (from the Duluth crimemapping.com data).

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Sam, the comments were simply lost in the transfer. We wouldn't delete comments on purpose and then repost an image of them (especially our own!).

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

Along with the switch to a new server, PDD has now upgraded to WordPress 3.3.1. This has resulted in a number of small changes that all seem to be for the better ... except one. 

You'll occasionally notice strange characters popping up in posts.

All we can do is remove them as we find them, and with three years of archives on WordPress, we'll never get them all. I've done my best to clean them out of the 2012 posts -- and they shouldn't show up on new posts -- but trust me, they are all over the archives.

Cory Fechner

about 12 years ago

I think I may have been able to fix that issue.

Please let me know if you see any weird characters.

It was an issue with utm-8 character type conversion when we upgraded the database from mySQL 4 to 5. We will continue to monitor for anything out of the ordinary that may have been affected by the migration.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

The old funny character seems to be replaced with this thing now: �

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