Creepy Posts

Highly Controversial Marc Gartman Chocolate and Cheese Ween poster revealed!

I ran into Marc Gartman last night, who had this item hot off Miss Zoey Cohen’s drawing pad.

Although I audibly groaned to myself at every stage of the Ween cover art controversy (starting with “Ween … and you?,” continuing with “Sex and Rock and Roll,” and finally dragging to a temporary halt with “This is what a feminist looks like“) I now personally endorse as much disagreement and debate about this as possible.

Superbug fragment study in Duluth

Timothy LaPara and a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities, testing water pouring from a modern water treatment facility in Duluth, found genes of drug-resistant bacteria in the discharge. Most American cities do not have facilities as good as Duluth’s, but no one knows for sure how much worse the situation may be at those facilities because it has not been measured.

Inside Science News Service: The best wastewater treatment plants can’t filter out superbug fragments

Halloween 1911: The Quietest in History?

From the Duluth News Tribune, 100 years ago.

Damn kids will make life miserable for older Duluthians

From the Duluth News Tribune, 1895:

Zombies invade UMD Oct. 27

Join us for a zombie-themed symposium that is free and open to the public. Six UMD professors will give talks about how their work relates to zombies. Refreshments appropriate for the topic will be served. BYOB (Bring Your Own Brain).

Give me your Twin Ports Halloween events!

I will post them on for free! If it’s a major Halloween bash or a tiny haunted garage on Halloween night, I want to add it to my site!

Post your event info as a comment in this post, or email me from the contact page.

What’s with all the Skeeters?!

Has anybody else being driven crazy by all the mosquitoes in Duluth the past week?! Seriously, it’s like Alaska out there. I can’t work in the yard without getting drained. I can’t ever remember it being this bad. Theories? (Sustained west winds? Moth spraying killed all the dragonflies? Hurricane Irene sucking them all down from northern Canada?)

Duluth apartment licensing inspection

Is it usual, or even legal, for a landlord to demand that all the tenants leave the apartment building while it is being inspected for licensing?  We got the written notice for an inspection in a week and then the landlord tells us face to face “don’t be here while the inspectors are here.” Weird?

Watch for shady magazine sales kids

Not that I distrust the kids totally, but there are some youth in Duluth going door to door. They are collecting ‘points’ toward a trip and award to sell subscriptions to magazines. But along the way, the young man who came to my door asked to come in for a writing surface. When the table in the entry wasn’t enough, he asked to come in further for a counter or dining table. Then he asked for some bottled water. All of this made me increasingly uncomfortable. After he left, I called the phone number on the receipt and Googled the name of the company. Upshot is, they are tagged by the Better Business Bureau for not refunding money and not delivering product. Buyer beware.

Big boom on Saturday night?

Anyone know what the loud boom or explosion was on Saturday night at about 10:10 p.m.? We heard it out in Lakeside and thought it was a gunshot, but found out the next day that somebody also heard it out by Mcquade safe harbor, which is quite a ways from us.

Bed Bugs in Downtown Duluth?

Anyone know the story of what is going on in the building at 103 W. First St.? This is the building that is owned by Center City Housing, apartments on the top floors and Sammy’s Pizza on the main floor along with offices. For the past week there have been trucks parked outside doing some kind of “abatement” work. The workers have been bringing large stainless steel containers in and out of the building. I heard a rumor tonight that there was an infestation of bed bugs in the building and a company was there trying to eradicate the bugs. It was all very mysterious so just wondering about it.

Teen zombies descend on Duluth

How did we not know about this???

Duluth News Tribune: Teen zombies descend on Duluth

PDD Disinfected. Resume blogging.

Sorry about the little Malware problem earlier today.

I’d tell you what happened, but then I’d have to ask the tech guy and he’d have to explain it to me and, well … it’s a nice day and the problem is solved.

Why is water running out of this pipe?

[This post originally contained a photo embedded from another website which no longer exists.]

I know Chester Creek runs UNDER the armory. Why is water running out of this pipe? Is there a stream of water the third floor too? What is the source of this water?

First Tick Post of the Year – 2011 Edition

I found one by my dog’s ear yesterday. Here we go again!

Past first tick of the year posts:
March 29, 2010
May 8, 2009
June 8, 2008
May 11, 2007
June 6, 2005

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