adam Posts

Free Jim Carlson

Welcome to Duluth.

(Image courtesy of Tyler Scouton.)

Amy & Freddy

Amy & Freddy performed at the Duluth-Superior GLBTAQI Pride Festival Saturday, and they were hilarious. An Ethel Merman-style showtunes lounge act interrupted with crowd observations and gags – and once Amy engaged with the ASL interpreter on stage, the vaudeville was on:

“Wait a minute – you sign whatever I say??”


Wolf Blood

Ars Technica has an interesting article on Isle Royale wolf ecology.

See also:  Wolf Blood.

Last Minute Homegrown Schedule Changes

Changes for tonight!

9:15: Exiles @ Sacred Heart

9:30: Fever Dream @ Pizza Lucé

9:30: The Surfactants @ R.T. Quinlan’s

Daredevils @ World Championship

The Duluth East Daredevils are at the FIRST World Championship in St. Louis, and are ranked 5th going into the second day of qualification matches. Robots!

Free Jim Carlson

Image and stickers available courtesy of your friends Bratwurst.

Homegrown Radio

Homegrown Radio is up and running! Listen to all your local favorites online.

Poetry Motel’s Don’t Know Shit

Patrick McKinnon’s Poetry Motel released Don’t Know Shit on Bandcamp the other day.

Google Fiber (Austin, TX)

Google Fiber – Duluth, it looks like your next best bet will be Austin, TX. You should consider moving there. I’ll help you pack.

Via Ars Technica.

Homegrown T-Shirt 2013

Finally had time to prep Chris’ t-shirt art. This is the art for the band, volunteer and pre-sale shirts.

Open House


Ask the City of Duluth to use eminent domain to claim vacant houses for our affordable housing stock.

Homegrown Registration Closes Friday

Jammie Thomas-Rasset Seeks Supreme Court Review

From Ars Technica:

Jammie Thomas-Rasset has been fighting a recording industry lawsuit accusing her of sharing music using the now-defunct peer-to-peer network Kazaa for the better part of a decade. In 2007, a jury found Thomas-Rasset liable to the tune of $222,000 for sharing 24 songs. She appealed the verdict, resulting in two more trials that each produced even larger jury awards. These higher figures were thrown out by the courts, but last year, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the $222,000 award.

Host, Duluth Local Show #150-13

Part-time Minnesota Public Radio grant-funded position – until June 30, 2013. 

“The Duluth Local Show Host will work with The Local Music team to create a two-hour show focused on Duluth’s local music artists and scene that will air on Local Current each week. The host should be able to curate the music for the show, produce and host the show, and deliver a .wav file each week to the Local Music Assistant. The format will include 11-13 songs per hour with multiple breaks occasionally including interviews or live recordings. The host will also be responsible for contributing to The Local Current Blog and The Local Show as well as maintain a presence in social media platforms.”