Free Jim Carlson

Welcome to Duluth.

(Image courtesy of Tyler Scouton.)



about 11 years ago

The LPOE makes that block a lot more fun than another restaurant or brewpub would. In your face, respectable people!


about 11 years ago

"St. Carlson" - give me a fucking break!


about 11 years ago

Does something say "St. Carlson"? That would be even funnier.


about 11 years ago

No, I was just mocking how a drug dealer somehow finds himself on the same level as Che Guevara.


about 11 years ago

So funny. Next he should put up a picture of himself on a cross.


about 11 years ago

He could start selling Jesús Malverde-esque candles with his likeness.


about 11 years ago

I came up with the idea for this picture and we had a short run of stickers and shirts made. Jim came to our Bratwurst Homegrown show at RT's and I gave him a shirt. He took this image and ran with it.


about 11 years ago

Carlson's no Che ... sheez.


about 11 years ago

You all asked for it, "Last Supper on Earth" by the famous Italian Master, Bacigalupo.

Otis Occupy Consciousness Bright

about 11 years ago

That spice is bad news, this coming from a former spicehead. Worse than heroin (never did that, but I've been told). Thing is he did have a right to sell it, what one puts into one's body is that person's choice alone. At the what-you-call-it public meeting at the Sheraton this summer listening to all the downtown business owners was like listening to my kids whining about and tattle tailing who did what to the other. Grow up bitches, you own a business, you're a capitalist, deal with the free market.


about 11 years ago

Being a capitalist is one thing, but Carlson is trying to make himself into a martyr for the people.

You are able to sell drugs thanks to a legal loophole. You are nothing greater than that.

Otis Occupy Consciousness Bright

about 11 years ago

Drug dealers have the moral high ground as compared to capitalists. The martyr thing is pure B.S. though.


about 11 years ago

He looks like Throw Mama From the Train.


about 11 years ago

He looks like the entire movie Throw Mama From the Train?  Wow.


about 11 years ago

How many of you have been around long enough to remember Ferris Alexander? 

I've been around long enough to know that the sandbox is not big enough for people like Ferris, Jim's dad - Bob, and now Jim. Am I missing anyone? Legal issues or not, Duluth is certainly tired of Jim. Take your shovel, sell your sandcastle, and beat it.


about 11 years ago

I'm not tired of Jim. I'm diggin' it all.


about 11 years ago

I've learned a lot about the sanctimonious, self-contradictory heart of mainstream society by watching Jim defy it.


about 11 years ago

And if I use the phrase 'Danny Does Dog Shit' in my new poem, that's making magic with something we poets call alliteration Danny. Same as when I use a phrase like Danny Doo Dah Day, or Danny Tattle Oh Day, those are all examples of a technique called alliteration Danny.


about 11 years ago

If you actually write a poem containing the line "Danny Does Dog Shit" I will pay for a signed copy.


about 11 years ago

But yeor right Danny Boy, it does look like Ol Jimmy's been thrown from the train!

Ramos, do you think Carlson has the soul of a poet too?


about 11 years ago

No, but I think I do.

Danny Does Dog Shit

A sculptor named Danny P. Golden
Admired the poop he was holdin';
"It came from a pug,"
He said with a shrug,
"And nothing works better for moldin'."

(Signed copies available for $20)


about 11 years ago

A single tear...


about 11 years ago

The poor wife of Danny P. Golden
Gave him a rather fierce scoldin':
"I don't mind a bit
If you mold Fido's shit,
But our towels you have to quit foldin'!"


about 11 years ago

I doubt Dr. Che Guevara would have approved of the poison Carlson sells.

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