Duluth is the Summer City of the Continent

Happy solstice! This magazine advertisement from 1918 promotes the summer weather and charm of Duluth, including the “hundreds of miles of perfect roads.”

Below is the full text from the ad.

Her Summer climate is remarkable (averaging in the seventies). The atmosphere is dry, invigorating, restful. Hot stifling nights are practically unknown. Labor efficiency is at its maximum.

Duluth’s six natural parks and her twenty miles of boulevard, 500 feet above lake level, overlooking the city, are unrivaled and nation-famed. Her scores of beauty spots, charming suburban wooded drives are entrancing, while her harbor is second in importance to New York.

Duluth is the gateway to the famous lake region of Northern Minnesota, where more good fishing, hunting and wonderful canoe trails lie adjacent to her than any other region in the United States.

The greatest and most wonderful iron mines in the world lie almost in her back yard. Hundreds of miles of perfect roads offer to the motorist days of continued sight-seeing with an ever-changing panorama of interest and charm.

Come to Duluth. Let her Summer coolness refresh you, her natural beauty charm you and her wealth of outing possibilities delight and upbuild you.

Won’t you come?

Duluth Commercial Club
Duluth Minnesota

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