
I’m quite enjoying this blog! I’m not from Duluth, not even Minnesota, actually, rather I’m from Iowa but my family and I have visited Duluth through out the years for vacation. My father has recently moved further north to Silver Bay and in the next few months, I will have the chance to relocate my family. Every time I think of “home” and moving back home, I think of Duluth and it just makes my heart happy.

Just looking for some recommendations on areas to live (I’m only familiar with touristy and hiking areas, parks, canoeing, fishing areas further north, etc.) Also in consideration of schools as this is where we’ll raise our daughter.

Or even just a friendly “hello” or premature “welcome” would be awesome. We’re relocating from a not so friendly, larger town in a southern state and I just miss the Midwestern friendliness!



about 10 years ago

Welcome to Duluth!  What type of neighborhood are you looking for?  I live in Lakeside which is five miles from downtown and near the edge of the City going up the north shore.  We thus have good access to the amenities of downtown and the northern wilderness a few blocks away.


about 10 years ago

Welcome.  There's a smorgas of previous posts on this topic that the moderators should link to when they emerge from their depressionary stupor of the Vikings loosing.  If you're looking for best schools and lowest crime, commentators here will ultimately claim theory of relativity and be relatively right, but ultimately realize that east of 27th into Congdon and Lakeside, where money reigns and no liquor sales combined with sheer economics, lends itself to probably safer neighborhoods, albeit perhaps more boring because there are no restaurants or bars,  and you're five miles further from the action, but five miles closer to your dad and the beauty of the north shore.  The school quality differences (inequality of East v West) would appear significant, that and there are no hills to slide down into oncoming traffic, or not make it up. Anything west of East, short of Morgan park and yonder, finding a decent sized yard could be difficult too.


about 10 years ago

From what I've heard (and my parent's recommendations) Lakeside sounds perfect, but I'm not sure we could afford the location...just something we'd have to look into. But along with what Herzog said, we are a pretty young couple and still enjoy some nightlife activity, but we've also got to keep thinking about the future as well, our child(ren) etc, etc.... Oh! Decisions, decision in life!

As far as schools, that's something I'm really going to have to research (our daughter is only one right now) but we are really looking into settling somewhere (we are transitioning out of the military and are very ready to settle in one place and finally be HOME!)

How do you feel about the job market/ease of securing a job? So far, I'm having much more luck finding job opportunities in Duluth vs. where we are from in Iowa, but it's always a scary transition to make.

I'll keep searching for the past blogs on such recommendations. So glad that I found this page!! A great evening to you both...

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

Here are some PDD threads related to this topic:

House Hunting in Riverside (Oct. 8, 2014)
Moving to Duluth, wondering about people and bad areas (April 23, 2013)
Things to Know Before You Move to Duluth (Feb. 26, 2012)
Ghettos don't just happen ... (Sept. 22, 2010)
Looking for Duluth apartment (Sept. 21, 2010)


about 10 years ago

In that case wherever you can find a nice decent house... the neighborhood will only be so bad compared to the roads, and the view will be great. Preferably you'd want to be out of the paper mill zone on the lower west end, nor would I rule out Superior for value and community. I'd look for a place right on 53 overlooking the highway, my grandparents lived on a busy road, and maybe I've come full circle to thinking that wouldn't be so bad over there. Lots of chill neighborhoods in Sup, no hills, cheap beer, less attitude than big brother, with schools as good as Duluth for all we know, having at the minimum, exponentially less bull shit where it concerns bat shit (school board leadership) and circusry.


about 10 years ago

Great, thanks for the links... and thank you both!


about 10 years ago

Don't rule out Lakeside because of cost. There have been some real deals around here lately. There was a nice 3 bedroom for sale directly across from Lester Park School for $147,000 not too long ago. I think it might still be on the market. You could easily walk to Lester Park, the grocery store, a handful of churches, a vet clinic, a dance studio, Brighton Beach, and the Lakewalk from this house. There are other similar one s like it around Lakeside.


about 10 years ago

Honestly, don't rule out any neighborhood based on cost/safety. Unlike most cities where the character of a neighborhood is pretty much the same across several miles, a neighborhood in Duluth can  be completely different a few blocks a way. I've lived in an absolute ghetto neighborhood - across the street from a million dollar home. There are some areas I would be cautious about (Central Hillside, West End, Lincoln Park), but that just means do your research, not stay away. I live in an awesome and safe home in Lincoln Park (the same neighborhood that many people will tell you to stay away from). However, I used to live just 5 blocks lower on the hill, and it was pretty skeevy.

And remember, "dangerous" in Duluth is nothing compared to Minneapolis, Chicago, etc. For the most part, "bad" neighborhoods put you at higher risk for theft/vandalism, but violent crime (especially stranger on stranger) is still very low.


Google Maps Street View: check out what the area looks like and how well maintained the neighborhood is (go up and down the block, as well as the street on the other side of the alley). 

CrimeMapping.com: this lists all of the police department incidents and what area they occurred in (remember that no incidents does not make an area "safe", nor does it mean that several incidents means "unsafe").

GreatSchools.org: I have no children, so have absolutely no idea which schools are good or bad, but here's a start at least.

Anyway, welcome to Duluth! We are a shy and introverted people. :)


about 10 years ago

I live in the central hillside and I love it.  My block is quiet and I have many friendly neighbors with big gardens, chicken coops, etc.    I like being within walking distance of downtown and the Whole Foods Co-op and having access to several bus routes.  I also have a lake view.  It really does vary block by block, but I would  say that there are very few places in Duluth where I would feel truly unsafe.  It's interesting that Bad Cat mentioned a skeevy neighborhood down the hill from a nice neighborhood, because I've noticed the same thing.  I think the riff-raff just doesn't want to climb the hill.  :)

Barrett Chase

about 10 years ago

I feel like we should warn newcomers that despite its name, Lakeside is not literally at the side of the lake. Most of the neighborhood is quite a ways inland.


about 10 years ago

I'm Sonya's neighbor in the Hillside, and +1 to where we live! I like the combination of geographical convenience (being able to walk to work downtown is a plus, and my former bike commute to Lincoln Park on Skyline Drive was pretty great too), views over the lake, and affordability. 

If you're of a statistical bent, here are some American Communities Survey numbers on the nature of housing in various Duluth-area ZIPs.

Or if you like maps.


about 10 years ago

Wonderful-- I've seen a few listings in the Hillside neighborhood that we've liked so this is great to know.

Hope you're all enjoying your Thanksgiving!


about 10 years ago

If it were me, I'd stay out of the Duluth School District. The Board has proven themselves over, and over to be unqualified morons.

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