New calendar editor and a 2004 flashback

Tony Bennett wore cardigansWe threw all the résumés up in the air and one of them landed on top. Tony Bennett is the new editor of the PDD Calendar. His credentials include writing for nearly every publication in town, fronting the band Cars & Trucks, working a camera for TV shows such as Almanac North and The PlayList and for dissecting the work of “positive bros” as the Duluth News Tribune‘s music critic.

Tony can be reached via e-mail at tony @ or calendar @

Tony is the third editor of the PDD Calendar, succeeding Lawrence Lee who succeeded Abigail Schoenecker.

But wait! Isn’t there someone we’re forgetting? Oh yeah, Cruise Director Julie, editor of an old version of the PDD Calendar circa 2004. She makes a brief cameo at the 1:14 mark in this 10-year-old KBJR-TV video.

Cruise Director Julie



about 10 years ago

Good luck, Tony. You are a busy man!

Lawrence Lee

about 10 years ago

"This is like pen pal times twenty." - Paul Lundgren

This should be the new PDD slogan. Right on the masthead.

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

Here's the PDD Calendar staff hard at work last week:

PDD Calendar Crew

How many people does it take to screw in the PDD Calendar's light bulb? Apparently five.

At far left, Tony Bennett assiduously takes notes. Next to him, Adam Quandt sports the smirking and indoor winter-hat-wearing skills that PDD interns are famous for. The grumpy corporate president stands in the center ready to disapprove of anything anyone says or does.  Lawrence Lee sits at the far end of the table, full of glee about escaping all the responsibility of being the calendar editor, though he now bears the title of calendar editor emeritus. At the far right is Hallie Rogers, who displays the baffled expression of someone at her last meeting before moving to Los Angeles and leaving the bright lights of Duluth and the glory of helping with the PDD Calendar behind.

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