Karen Posts

WDSE-WRPT shows its shorts! Indoors!

Update on a previous post:

WDSE-WRPT Movies in the Park: Shorts! is officially an indoor experience. We’re staging music and films at the Fitger’s Spirit of the North Theater. Please join us at 7 for music by James Moors and 8pm for films by your creative neighbors and friends!

Portraits in photos, paint and music on the PlayList!

Discover Sarah Brokke’s portrait painting, the DAI’s new portrait show and stories from songwriters Bill & Kate Isles. Thursday, May 13, 9pm on WDSE, Channel 8 & 31. Online at theplaylistonline.org!

The PlayList features Tim Kaiser, Coyote and Homegrown!

Check it out Thursday at 9 on WDSE/WRPT, local PBS. Tim’s instruments are amazing! And, there’s theplaylistonline.org to watch the show at your convenience.