Stolen Bicycle: Park Point Break-ins

Hello fellow Duluthians. ‘Tis a sad day on Park Point. It appears another round of robberies has occurred. I had a bicycle stolen out of my garage last night. Pretty ballsy I must say, the thing didn’t even have flat pedals so I am surprised they were able to get off with it. Anywho, if you happen to spot a red Masi Randonneur with a leather saddle, front racks and goofy swept leather handlebars around town, please be so kind as to shoot me a message.

Cash reward for any info, and on account of being a bicycle mechanic, free tuneups for a lifetime!

Justin 218-310-7961



about 11 years ago


about 11 years ago

There's a special section in Hell reserved for bike thieves. Hope you nab the rat bastard and get your ride back.


about 11 years ago

Thanks friend. I couldn't agree more. I'm against capital punishment, with just a few exceptions - bike theft, tanking the economy for personal gain, and failure to signal a turn.


about 11 years ago

I think one of two things happened. The person(s) either targeted you or they just grabbed it without thinking of consequences. In the former case, the bike is really gone and possibly dismantled. In the latter and more sad situation, it was used without realizing what a cool bike that is and dumped in a parking lot.

Either way, you'll be very lucky to see it again. A bike out of a garage is invasive and not usually happenstance.

This is the first I've heard, though, of "robbers in Park Point." If you were a smart thief, you wouldn't hit Park Point. You'd hit the least expected place so that everyone thinks the neighbor did it. Not only that; why grab a bike when there are people that can level a whole house -- and a person's life -- in ten minutes?

Your thief seems to be an opportunist.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Well, it's at least the second case of robbers on Park Point.

Park Point Pirates


about 11 years ago

This gives me hope of nabbing the buggers who jacked my bike! Police said apparently someone else had their car broken in to the same night. Not ruling out the possibility of an inside job though. It seemed targeted. Nothing else was touched.


about 11 years ago

When I was a kid we lived in Northeast Minneapolis and someone broke into our house and stole my new Schwinn with mags right out of our kitchen. The next morning my mom put my 1-year-old brother in the buggy and we walked down the alleys. When we got to the next block and were heading down the alley sure enough there were a group of boys who were about 12 -- I was 8 -- all standing in a circle with my bike. My mom yelled, "Drop that Godd#%m bike" and started running toward them. They quickly moved it into their garage and scattered. She went into the garage and took the bike back, which was already being taken apart. We moved within a month or two after that. Well, for that reason and the guy across the street getting shot while robbing the corner pharmacy because he couldn't pay his rent. We followed the blood trail to school the next day. 

My bet it was someone close who knew it was there. I can call my mom to come help you if you want.


about 11 years ago

Haha. I will pay your mom to take the case on. Seems like she's got a good track record.


about 11 years ago

You might want to check the pawn shops and Craigslist.


about 11 years ago

I live on Park Point and there has been so many issues with this lately. I know of a truck that was stolen out of the driveway and then the very next day in the same driveway a car window was busted. This past Saturday morning I was parked on the street and must have forgotten to lock the car the night before and someone had rummaged through it. Thankfully, the only thing I noticed missing was a pair of sunglasses. I hope you find your bike. My partner has a pretty nice bike and she would be really bummed if it were stolen.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

I thought maybe I found it on the side of a street in West Duluth, but it was actually a pretty different bike.

At least when this one is reported lost or stolen we'll know in advance where it is.


about 11 years ago

I survived 52 years on the planet without being a victim of crime, then moved to Park Point and had my truck stolen out of a garage. I immediately went to the police as I thought it would be easy to recover the tapes of who drove my truck across the bridge. Simple eh? It's the only place where you only have one access point, surly someone in the city administration would have figured out that crime on Park Point could all be eliminated if there were a small sign on the bridge as you were coming over -- "thanks for visiting Park Point, please smile for our camera." I mean surely someone would have figuRed out that was an easy and effective camera location right?  

No camera, no new camera, no change. Carry on.

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