Endion Posts

Why can’t 21st Avenue East, Woodland and Arrowhead be a highway like Piedmont?

There was a study I cannot find now where some bigwigs came to Duluth back in about 2006 and decided that access to the mall area from the east side of town is one of the largest problems we have here. Every single road has many traffic lights and the speed limits are all 30 mph. Even Howard Gnesen rolls along at 30 mph in the middle of nowhere. The stretch from Kenwood Avenue on Arrowhead Road to Rice Lake Road is just a basic speed trap before it finally opens up to a whole 45 mph.

Why not make from the freeway exit at 21st Avenue East, Woodland Avenue and Arrowhead Road more like what was done on the west side of town near 21st Avenue West?

I know many people live on the stretch, but we have two major colleges and the city keeps “calming traffic” everywhere it can. That was the actual term that I heard at meeting when they decided — against the wishes of everyone in attendance — to make London Road go from four lanes of traffic to two. Then they said the city would plant all kinds of trees and beautify the area. Still waiting on that one.

Duluth Windshield Replacement Recommendation

Does anyone have recommendations for a good, honest, reliable windshield replacement place in Duluth/Superior? Recommendations as to who to stay away from would be helpful, and appreciated, too. Thanks!

When should school be cancelled?

In the Twin Cities there is a huge debate going on over when school should be cancelled, but in this area we have no formal guidelines. In Minneapolis the threshold is -35 windchill, but in St. Paul it is -40 windchill. A few days ago Minneapolis closed while St. Paul stayed open. No one died, but parents were in an uproar on either side of the fence.

Reading the comments on the Star Tribune’s site you have the debate between the old folks who walked up-hill both ways through 10 feet of snow when school was allegedly never cancelled and the younger generation who thinks it is safer to err on the side of caution.

What do you think? Should we have a set limit like Minneapolis and St. Paul or should we just wing it like we do now up here?

What about snow days? How much snow should constitute closing? What about when it is ice?

What would you have done?

On Monday my family went to the first sandy beach at Park Point. When we were done enjoying the scenery and the water we began to pack up our car. There was another family packing up its car, but the adult woman in the car was swearing at the three young children who were under 5 years old. It was not just a few swear words, but a vulgarity-filled yelling directed at a child who did something that the adult deemed unacceptable. There were other bystanders, but no one said anything.

I rolled down my window and was about to speak up for these poor kids, but then I thought about how the adult in the car might own a gun or be carrying. It has bothered me ever since and is making me rethink my views on firearms. I’m wondering what some of you would have done. The three kids stood outside the car and looked so sad. I thought about when they enter our schools and swear in class because of the example they were given. This was right here in our town and I felt powerless because everything I am reading about says that carrying a firearm is what everyone should be doing.

What would you have done?

Does Mayor Ness realize that the tourism tax is taxing the residents of Duluth?

Today in the Duluth News Tribune there is an article about our mayor wanting to bring back a .5 percent tax on our restaurants, hotels, and other amenities. My question is how do we as citizens of Duluth then get exempted from that tax? Should we not go to our local restaurants? Should we not go to Canal Park and support our local businesses?

This just seems unfair to those who live here to have us pay an extra tax to use our own local amenities. I’ve read that we pay very high taxes in our community compared to others, which made me wonder why we don’t get cards to exempt us from “tourist” taxes. This tax would go for the next 15 years and fund development of West Duluth. Well, that’s great, but what about us here in the Endion area? I can see taxing the hotels to get the tourists, but taxing restaurants makes me want to take my local money elsewhere.

I don’t think it is fair to those of us who live here, and if this is a push by our mayor there should be a way to exempt anyone who has a local identification.

What are the top-five bands or music acts in Duluth?

Everyone loves a list so I was thinking of asking what people thought about the top 5 bands or music acts in this area. Not your personal favorites, but the top of the charts if we had charts. Getting a crowd and having great music.

I was thinking:
5. The Acceleratti
4. Toby Churchill
3. The Little Black Books
2. The Black-eyed Snakes
1. Trampled by Turtles

Question for Local History Buffs

On behalf of four 8th grade boys that I am assisting with National History Day projects I am seeking assistance from anyone who could point them in the right direction. Two boys are making a short ten-minute documentary about the Civilian Conservation Corps in this area and the other two boys are making an exhibit about the Duluth Canal. They are looking for additional pictures for their projects and anyone who may be available for an interview or to answer questions. Please reply here if you can offer any help and I will pass your e-mail information along to the students. If you have any tips for them I could pass on it would also be appreciated as well. They are very motivated and competing to represent our area at the national competition in Washington DC this June.

fountainheadmn @ yahoo.com