Auto Repair Posts

How to Change a Flat Tire

I think it’s been something like 10 years since I’ve blown a tire while driving and had to replace it with a spare on the side of the road. What’s weird about that is I remember having to change flat tires fairly often in previous years — like once every 20 months or something.

The most I have ever paid for a motor vehicle is $4,000. My current car cost $3,500. The seven others I’ve gone through over the years each cost about $1,500 or less. Every one of them was a bargain, but involved a bit more maintenance than newer cars. The well-worn tires on some of those clunkers used to give me my share of roadside adventures. I’m not sure why that has stopped in the past decade, but I’m certainly not complaining.

About 15 years ago, as a public service and also as a reminder to my future self, I compiled a list of advice about changing flat tires. I’m assuming all of it still applies to today’s vehicles and might be useful to the general public at some point in the future or me tomorrow. It’s not really technical advice, it’s more for emotional preparation.

Duluth Windshield Replacement Recommendation

Does anyone have recommendations for a good, honest, reliable windshield replacement place in Duluth/Superior? Recommendations as to who to stay away from would be helpful, and appreciated, too. Thanks!

Recommendations for Duluth Brake Mechanic?

Does anyone have any recommendations for local brake mechanics, ones that are honest/non-skeevy, but also can solve a braking-system mystery that four other mechanics have been unable to fix?

First off, I hate my car and wish it were a phoenix that would burn, and from the ashes would produce a new car. I don’t believe this is a standard feature on a Kia, so I’ll have to keep this piece of crap limping for at least another year or two (you may recall my prior bitching regarding this car).

Second, I’m afraid that if this mystery doesn’t get solved, you’ll find me and my Kia at the bottom of the lake sometime this winter.

Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks!!! I really appreciate your advice (randomly stabbing at the yellow pages isn’t getting me anywhere).