July 2013 Posts

Aviation Action after Greek Tastiness

I wish very much that I could have talked my friends into attending the Lark of the Lake festival today ($30 admission for two after the money spent at the tasty Taste of Greece event at the Marshall School was too tough for their wallets).  

Silver Screen and Starlit Skies

Photo from Twin Ports Night Life

Leashless Dogs; Wildlife finally Wild and Free; BridgeFest and Budgeteer: Wildlife Roundup

Wildwoods updates of all sorts below (one funny, some happy, some sad, one quite terrible–read with caution):


Wholesome Album Covers

Does Sexhawk’s release of the Nuts of a Warrior EP do anything to offset the old Ween album art controversy? Or is there not enough flesh?

Hacienda del Sol: When will it return?

I miss the Hacienda. I mean, I really miss it. I just want a basket of its chips, some salsa, a beer, and a cheesy something or another. When oh when will it come back?

Another (Unexpected) Duluth-Related Kickstarter

For those of you who know your comic book writers, the name Alan Moore is usually found at the top of most peoples “favorites” list (maybe because he’s an incredible writer, or maybe because he’s a fucking wizard and people are scared of him).

Anyway, I was watching Alan Moore’s Kickstarter video for the “His Heavy Heart” project, and was completely surprised to hear the Duluth connection!

Skip ahead to 3:45 if you want to hear Alan Moore drop Alan Sparhawk’s name as a collaborator on the project!

Early July, Lake Superior

New song by the Suburbs

Oh boy! Another Open Mic! But this one’s outside by the lake!

Tonight, from 6 to 9 p.m., there will be an open mic at Leif Erikson Park, specifically meeting at the stone stage. Any short content is welcome, original material encouraged, but whatever you wish to share is fine.

Local Music Research Discussed on KUMD

Seth Langreck, a student at UMD, was interviewed by KUMD for research started here on PDD.

And then there was the time Wilco brought out Alan Sparhawk, Mimi Parker and Richard Thompson for a rendition of “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”

That was something.

Bob Dylan Duluth Concert Photos


Some things improve a bit with age. The out of focus shot above is the best I could do at the 2013 Bob Dylan concert in Duluth, but it’s better than I did in 1999, below.


So, who did better than me?

Sloppy Cloud Cult post-rainout acoustic set clips from the Twin Ports Bridge Festival

It started raining at the Twin Ports Bridge Festival pretty much the moment Cloud Cult hit the stage. About four songs into the set it started pouring. When the announcement came that the show couldn’t continue, the crowd slowly dispersed, then rushed back when the band started performing unplugged as the rain relented. When informed they needed to get off the wet stage, the band climbed into the pit area behind the guard rail to belt out another tune. Then they escaped under the stage and the downpour resumed.

Check out Nate Lindstrom’s photo gallery of the Bridge Fest at the N. Lindstrom Photo website.

Car sharing options in Duluth?

I’m back in lovely Duluth for the summer, and am wondering if there are any car sharing options yet. I don’t own one since I work abroad and am only here a couple months each year. I’m getting used to having access to things through collaborative consumption models like Zipcar. Anything here yet?

Found: Warehouse Bar artifact

1988 relic.

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