The Rise and Fall of the Red Herring (the old Rocket Bar)

Regarding the Rocket Bar renovation:

Well, folks, far-be-it from me to talk the talk and not walk the walk, but when a few hundred thousand greenbacks comprise the difference between the “talk” and the “walk,” well, shucks … it was a good run.

After receiving the initial bid from the general contractor last week, it appears we are going to have to do this in phases, if at all. The initial phase, relieving the building of a few structural ailments, will likely begin in the next month or so.

As for what will become of the place in the long run, it’s anybody’s guess. I’ve got a couple ideas, though. I think I’ll let them gestate a while, and refocus on a few things left in the wake of this, that and the other project/priority. What was that called? Oh, yeah: life.



about 11 years ago

Disappointment in grace beats success in arrogance every time.


about 11 years ago

Bravo! It takes wisdom and bravery to let your plans shift. Some entrepreneurs gloss over the chasm between a really cool idea and paying the bills, believing passion will carry them through the very real financial obstacles. Ain't no shame in recalibrating. Can't wait to see what it'll become. Artisanal Donut House, please!

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Is the punk show on June 7 going on as scheduled? 


about 10 years ago

Is it true, the Red Herring is going to be up and running in two weeks?  It's time to focus some attention on 1st street.

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

It is true. Events listed here.

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