It’s getting drafty around here

Right now there are 47 posts in PDD’s “drafts” folder. Items in the drafts folder are, presumably, posts that people started composing and saved with the intent of finishing later.

But maybe some of you thought you were supposed to create a draft and then the moderators publish it. That’s not how it works. We would have no way of knowing which drafts were ready to post and which were not, except to guess based on how complete we think they look.

So help us out with some almost-Spring cleaning. If you have an old draft for a post, finish it and click the blue “publish” button, or give up on it and click the red “move to trash” option.



about 11 years ago

Those are 47 unfinished rants.  Each and every one was posted by someone who began with a manifesto, but ended up reconsidering the proposition of tainting their public image by posting such combative drivel.  Oh crap, now I've done it myself...  I shouldn't have clicked "Submit"!!!  I'll learn how this internet-thing works one of these days...


about 11 years ago

I would check the date and time stamps on these drafts.  If they originate on Friday/Saturday nights in the wee hours, it's a safe bet that the poster decided to sober up before s/he hit the 'send' key.  

If I drunkenly started a late weekend post/rant and it's parked in the Draft file, please please please delete it.  I have Mr. Emmadogs' reputation to think about.

Barrett Chase

about 11 years ago

To view the drafts and see if one of them is yours, simply log in, then choose "Posts" and "All Posts" from the left sidebar, then choose "Drafts" from the top. Scroll down and look for your draft. There are currently three pages of them.


about 11 years ago

Can't the admins just delete them? Why not put something on the policy page that says unpublished drafts will be deleted by admin after 30 days or something like that. We demand to be lazy!


about 11 years ago

Whew, lots of familiar names on that draft list but thankfully not mine! I couldn't live with the shame!

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

We can and will delete them. We just wanted to give folks a chance to finally post them if they want.


about 11 years ago

It figures that the one day I leave a post half-finished is the day that Paul decides to have a look-see. ;)


about 11 years ago

My teacher said that every time a draft is deleted, and angel gets its wings.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

I should also say that one of my favorite posts on PDD sat as a draft for over a year before it was finally posted. There's no shame in it.


about 11 years ago

Paul, I'm curious. What post was that?

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Well, I wasn't going to call anyone out specifically for holding a draft super long, but since I've already said there's no shame in it I might as well reveal what post I was referring to:

Last Place on Earth - 1983


about 11 years ago

I remember that post, it was really good.  And it makes sense that it took the poster that long to remember all of the details of the LPOE trip.

P.S.  I think I just inadvertently added to the 'draft' pile. Sorry.

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