Looting at the River Place Campground

Just when we thought everyone in the Northland was awesome and we were all in this flood recovery, there comes word that there were numerous break-ins and robberies at the flooded River Place Campground next to Boy Scout Landing in Gary. I know that at least five campers were forcibly broken into and significant amounts of property were stolen (including cash and firearms). This occurred on the night of June 23 and/or the morning of June 24 and possible on a few nights previous to that. I have asked the DNT to do a story on it so that some awareness is out there. If anyone hears any information that may be somehow helpful in catching the baddies, please notify the Duluth Police Department.



about 12 years ago

Call the news stations too.


about 12 years ago

River Place Campground flooding aerial view:


Read more: Photos: Flooding in Duluth forces residents to evacuate homes | Denver Post


about 12 years ago

This and car prowls really get me steamed. I think that when prowlers are caught that the victims should be given three choices. 

1-You can send the prowlers to jail. 
2-You get to take all the prowler's stuff that you want. 
3-You get to punch them in the face. 

You can only choose one. 

I am not a violent person, but choice #3 sure would feel good. Somebody has to know who came home with a literal boat-load of merchandise. Let's hope they get what they deserve.


about 12 years ago

2: Does this mean that somebody else who had their stuff stolen from the same prowler would be able to punch you in the face and take all of your stuff they wanted?


about 12 years ago

What sucks is that even if caught, the looters will likely only get a slap on the wrist.  I've got my money on meth heads.  I get pissed when it comes to stuff like this, had to deal with DPD letting the asshat who stole my motorcycle get off without even a slap on the wrist.


about 12 years ago

First, hopefully someone talks and they get caught.  Second, I am hoping the fact that firearms are involved would insure that these people would be properly punished.


about 12 years ago

"2: Does this mean that somebody else who had their stuff stolen from the same prowler would be able to punch you in the face and take all of your stuff they wanted?"

What kind of logic is that?


about 12 years ago

That would be faulty logic Consuelo. 

Schmood clearly stated that you'd only get to choose one of the three options, not two as Adam described.

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