Kozy Fire III: The Building That Refused to Burn (Down).

What’s up with people trying to burn down the Kozy? Anyway, I wasn’t all that surprised to come upon the eerily familiar site of firetrucks flanking the decrepit shell of our beloved Kozy last night. In retrospect: WTF??? Does anyone else think that restoring the property (NOT to its 2010 condition, silly!!), and making it a hub for the new/improved, swinging (yet still fringe) First St. business district is a good idea? Bring on the snide remarks (Constructive comments are also welcome.).



about 12 years ago

Pretty sure the cozy is kept in its current condition as a "Fuck you" to the city.  Not sure though.


about 12 years ago

I totally agree that the Kozy should be restored and in making it a hub for the new/improved, swinging (yet still fringe) First St. business district.  I've seen buildings in worse shape and in what were rougher neighborhoods in St. Paul and Minneapolis restored in just such a way, and it was well worth the effort.


about 12 years ago

@Conrad:I'm pretty sure there is a lot of misinformation regarding: the status of the Kozy, its stunted restoration campaign, and the relationship between Eric Ringsred and the city of Duluth. It's unfortunate because I feel like a bunch of people who share a similar vision of a new/improved 1st St, which the Kozy is an essential part of, might be able to help the process along somehow. I know this is citizens-take-action 101 stuff, but until enough (and the right) people know a better Kozy/future is possible- until they can imagine it- it can't become a reality.


about 12 years ago

p.s. Thanks, Bret, for the encouragement.


about 12 years ago

Let's start this movement.


about 12 years ago

Needs a Sugar Daddy (or Momma) to go forward

Terry G.

about 12 years ago

Would be nice if Sherman and Associates bought it...


about 12 years ago

It would be extra nice if someone like Sherman and Associates bought it directly from Ringsred.

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Duluth police: Arson suspect identified in Kozy fire

The article doesn't cite the suspect's name, but he is apparently a 55-year-old homeless male who was, at some point, a resident of the building.

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