September 2011 Posts

Duluth Skateboarders GTFO 2011

I emailed four at-large city council candidates and First District candidate Jennifer Julsrud to ask: “What do you think of the Canal Park skateboarding ban?”

Volunteers Needed at Woodland School

Volunteers are needed during and after school to tutor and mentor students at Woodland Middle School. Over 30 volunteer time slots are open and need to be filled. Please contact griffithsja @ to volunteer.

NorShor Theatre Preliminary Designs

Six-page PDF of NorShor Theatre preliminary schematic designs

Quiet Cravaack

A couple of weeks ago I emailed Chip’s office stating my views on Obama’s jobs bill and I asked for Chip’s view on the bill and if he would be supporting it.

To date, I’ve heard nothing from him.

In the past I’ve email Franken on an unrelated matter and at least his people bothered to send me a standard response in a timely fashion.

Are elected officials obligated to reply to the questions those they represent have for them?

If not, I’ve not sure how appropriate the term ‘representative’ really is.

A Photographic Guide to Duluth: 10 favorite landscape locations

Duluth has so many photographic opportunities it can be overwhelming. These 10 locations are a sure bet for beautiful images.

Read the full guide here for ideas and inspiration on photographic sites in the city of Duluth.

[This post originally contained a link to a site that no longer exists.]

Wanted: Brom Bones

Glensheen Living Literature is preparing to present “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” at the end of October and is looking to fill the role of the deliciously villainous Brom Bones.

Dink Tank Does The Matrix

After bouncing this idear round for a couple of years  it is finally coming to fruition…. Dink Tank @ the Movies. You know like MSTK3000 but instead of movies you ain’t heard of they are gonna bust on more familiar fodder. First up The Matrix. Dink Tank will guide yer hand through the world that has blinded you from the truth. Friday 9/30 and Saturday 10/1 9:15  Zinema 2 222 E Superior St 722-7300. Tickets available at

Alternative News Source

Frak the DNT — I’m getting my news from The Beacon from here on out.

What This Town Needs Is A Really Shitty Community Newspaper

2011 Duluth General Election Sample Ballot

Brush up on your referendums, kids. The city and the school district have some wordy questions for you. (By the way, you should be able to click on the images below to see them larger and read them more easily. The city question is the back side of the ballot, and is a separate image below.)

Another note about the ballot: As usual, depending on what neighborhood you live in, you might also vote on a district city councilor and/or school board member. This ballot has the district council race blanked out and does not include a district school board race.

The Cost of Food

According to the USDA, the weekly cost of food on a “thrifty” budget in 2011 is $40.60 for men and $36.20 for women (19-50 years old). For my household of two, that comes to $10.97/day. I am now undertaking a challenge to base our household food budget off these numbers. This budget seems reasonable (even generous), but I have been spending about twice that amount on groceries and alcohol each week.

Unfortunately, an easy solution would be to eat off the McDonald’s dollar menu for three meals a day or to switch from the Co-op to Sam’s Club. Thankfully it’s harvest season and we have lots of fresh and canned produce from our garden already paid for. 

USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food

How much a week do you spend on groceries in the Duluth-Superior region? Any tips for frugal grocery options? Comments on the price of food?

Know anyone looking for a cool place to work in Duluth?

Hey! Do you know anyone looking for a cool place to work? Not cold, mind you, but a place where coming to work is like being wrapped a warm, sweaty blanket supplied to you by dear friends? OK, maybe not sweaty. Here’s the deal: I am look for two people who are fun, artistic, and competent to come and work at my company, Raven & Associates, Inc.

Air Hockey in Duluth

Air hockey … it must exist in Duluth. As a very new resident to Duluth, I already know hockey is woven deeply into the fabric of many Duluthian’s lives. But concerning air hockey, is there a place for it in Duluth? And where could one find this entertaining game?

Sidewalks: Who Gets to Decide?

Did you see this front-page article in today’s paper?  Should neighborhood residents be the ones to decide whether or not sidewalks are included as their street is reconstructed? Is it about building a transportation network that serves current and future residents, those who drive and those who don’t?

Caution: Sidewalk fight ahead on Duluth’s Glenwood Street

Minnesota North Shore Fall Colors Report 2011

The fall colors season is upon us. Be sure to get out and check out your favorite places around area to enjoy the changing of the season colors. It has been reported that it will be a great year and I have already noticed some pretty vivid changes taking place.

I also recommend you snap a photo or two of some fall colors when you are out and about and post them here on PDD.

ARAC announces grant deadline

From Robert DeArmond
Executive Director
October 28, 2011 Deadline

In this new fiscal year, the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council announces that the Two-year Administrative Support Grant Program application deadline will be Friday, Oct. 28. The ARAC Board will review these grants on Thursday, Jan. 19, and funds will be available by Feb. 1.