The Ongoing Tom & Jerry Batter Issue

So, perhaps you have been following along with the recent comments on last year’s PDD Gift Guide regarding Connolly’s Tom And Jerry Batter. The news that came out there is that Upper Lakes Foods, which owns the Connolly family recipe, no longer has a manufacturer to produce it. The supply ran out shortly after Thanksgiving, leaving consumers with the choice of either buying inferior brands or making the batter themselves.

The folks at Heavy Table took up the topic today with a little history of the fine tradition of applying sugary frosting to one’s booze, along with a recommended recipe.

Hopefully Connolly’s will be back on shelves next year. (As Baci noted in the old post, perhaps a PDD army will have to step in and rent a kitchen to crank it out if need be.) It’s been a popular fixture in these parts for over 60 years, having originated at Connolly’s Bakery on Belknap Street in Superior. Other brands simply don’t compare.



about 14 years ago

The Pickwick has (or used to have?) a great Christmas Eve thing going on with great Tom and Jerries (Toms and Jerries?).  Is this the mix they use(d)?  Is that Pickwick tradition still going on?  I'm actually heading there at 1:00 today and can report in case no one knows the status.


about 14 years ago

The Pickwick used to make their own batter. Last year, when I was there and got one, the bartender was scooping it out of a mixer bowl.


about 14 years ago

I will ninja ULF HQ to find the recipe. We'll need a crack team! I get to be Dr. Strange so that means we need people to play Bruce Lee, Mr. T, Milla Jovovich and a computer geek. Who is on board?


about 14 years ago

Wait, Lumpy G can be either Mr. T or the computer geek so ... damn I wish I could instantly provision a movie crew ... have to work on that.


about 14 years ago

Pickwick report:

1. Same good Tom and Jerry mix

2. No awesome buffet


about 14 years ago

I read the Heavy Table report and now don't feel so bad that I'd never had a T&J before this last week. It's definitely a Minny thing.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

"I look at my watch and midnight is near.
I think I'll sneak off for a cold glass of beer.
Down at the corner, the crowd is so merry
I end up by drinking about 12 Tom & Yerry."

--Yogi Yorgesson


about 14 years ago

Miss the Pickwick's T&J. But now I live in Annapolis where I'm forced to make my own batter since no one here has heard of them. We've created the Annapolitan T&J, called "Tom & Sailor Jerry's," using Sailor Jerry's Rum. Quite tasty.


about 14 years ago

Since the batter issue is moot, unless you DIY or suffer with Mrs. Bowen's or wait til next year, let's get take this as an opportunity to focus on other ingredients ... our choices are Korbel Brandy and Bacardi Gold. We also have some of the Kraken left from the sailboat but I don't think it's right for a Tom and Jerry.

TopOfTheHIll Man

about 14 years ago

I'm here to say the 'Wick does make its own batter --  confirmed by the bartenders who served me one last week. Yes, only one.  Only need one to confirm to me that "yes Virgina, it is Christmas in Duluth."  You have my sympathies Foss, although it sounds like you have come to a good solution in Annapolis.  My sympathies to you for other reasons too.  :-(


about 14 years ago

I bought awesome T and J mix and started eating it with a spoon and had to throw it out so I didn't make myself sick -- never even got one drink!

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