Homemade Tom & Jerry Batter

OK gang, due to the volume of discussion and frustration regarding Connelly’s vs. Mrs Bowen’s vs. Flaherty’s, I’ve taken it upon myself to root out a decent recipe for homemade Tom & Jerry batter. Here’s the result of my research and experimentation (it should be noted that I pilfered 95 percent of this from an online recipe):

12 eggs, separated
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pound butter, room temperature
3 pounds powdered sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground allspice

Beat egg whites and salt in a large glass or metal mixing bowl until stiff peaks form (when you lift your beater straight up the egg whites should form a sharp peak that holds its shape).

Beat the egg yolks to soft peaks in a separate bowl. Beat the butter and powdered sugar in another large bowl until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks and vanilla to the butter mixture; mix. Stir in the cloves, allspice, and the egg whites; beat until well blended. Batter can be frozen or kept in refrigerator for several weeks.

To make a Tom and Jerry, put one jigger of dark rum and one jigger of brandy in a coffee cup, add a heaping tablespoon of batter, fill the cup with boiling water and garnish with a little ground nutmeg (most aficionados consider it a sacrilege to stir the batter, but I have one friend who won’t have it any other way).

Heaven!! A true PDD (Perfect Duluth Dram). And it only took me a half hour or so to whip up (plus this recipe makes a lot — several weeks worth for our household and a rotating cast of holiday guests). Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. My wife, upon hearing the recipe, remarked, “That’s cake frosting! No wonder people love it!”

One final caveat: use pasteurized eggs, available at Cub Foods, but — curiously — not at Mount Royal, last time I looked.

Cheers, and happy holidays!


Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

The homemade stuff at my house is not as good as Connolly's, but it is getting the job done. I think the failure in our batch was using regular granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar, so maybe this recipe is closer to the good stuff.


about 13 years ago

I think some impartial taste testing is required.


about 13 years ago

Is it sacrilege to use hot milk instead of water?


about 13 years ago

For legality sake I would never say don't use pasteurized eggs. 

But I will note the CDC says about 1 egg in 30,000 may be contaminated with Salmonella and even then many of those cases the bacteria will not have penetrated the shell. So, if you wash your eggs first you would be even less likely to contract anything. I say, if you know your egg source and wash them you stand a very very very good chance of being a-ok. (I use raw eggs for homemade ice cream)

Dave P

about 13 years ago

Chris, in my opinion, using hot milk instead of boiling water (something I term the "Tom & Dairy") is a step too far. A bit like putting cream on your bowl of Cap'n Crunch. The water-alcohol mixture sipped through the batter floating on top of a Tom & Jerry delivers a sweet treat to the pallet and is the only tempering in what is otherwise a glass of liquid cake. But advising someone to cut back on the richness of a holiday treat is out of character for me and even hypocritical (my wife is making hundreds of homemade truffles this weekend, and when she asked if I had any ideas for new flavors, I thought "eggnog!"). Go with what you love!!


about 13 years ago

Hot milk is sacrilege. No. Never. Ideal temp of a T & J must be 155 - 165 F. this drink should ooze booze. I know what I speak of.


about 13 years ago

Cooks remarks:
If you beat the stuff too much after you add the egg whites, the whites will deflate - be careful with that.  Fold in gently - don't beat.

Also - about the pasteurized eggs - Edgeways is right, salmonella is rare, but not so rare as it once was.

We ended up composting about four cases (fifteen dozen) a coupla months ago due to a scare.  And those came from the organic free-range producer that all the co-ops use.

There are how-tos on the internet about pasteurizing eggs at home and that method seems to work.

Mount Royal said a while back that they quit carrying the P'ed Eggs because they did not sell.


about 13 years ago

That is the exact batter recipe I use as well. It's great! Since I was uprooted from Duluth to Annapolis (A Drinking Town with a Sailing Problem), I have to make my own batter. No one sells it nor has heard of it out here. But we sometimes do an Annapolitan twist to it using Sailor Jerry's Rum, calling them Tom & Sailor Jerry's.


about 13 years ago

Bad batter can always be corrected by more booze. If it doesn't taste good after two drinks your not using enough dark rum. Also get yourself a real piece of nutmeg and grate liberally on top. As Grandma would say, "that will put the whiskers on it." The boiling water should help with salmonella concerns. Cheers!


about 13 years ago

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

I'll be 'pasteurizing' my eggs with liberal doses of rum and brandy, I think that will work... too bad those aren't liquors I tend to stock. How would this taste with tequila and whisky?


about 13 years ago

In addition to antiseptic power of booze, at 155 - 165 F salmonella does not live long.


about 13 years ago

One alternative is to use Captain Morgan spiced rum instead of rum, brandy.

Shannon Druecker

about 11 years ago

Hey guys, try putting a tablespoon of orange flower water in your batch. It is a old time part of the recipe and it makes it that much better!

Jon Hatch

about 11 years ago

Just made this and it's great, but I will be cutting the allspice and cloves roughly in half next time.

Dave P

about 11 years ago

Glad you liked it Jon. Just made my first batch of the season as well. Yumm. You did see it is a teaspoon of allspice/cloves, not a tablespoon, right?

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