UWS Posts

The Nemadji Review, Vol. 10

The tenth issue of the Nemadji Review, the University of Wisconsin-Superior’s literary journal, was released in May and a new website was launched. The publication was previously available only in print, but the 2021 issue can be viewed and downloaded online as a PDF file.

Julie Gard’s Invocation for Learning and Safety

University of Wisconsin-Superior Professor of Writing Julie Gard recently had a poem featured in the Career Advice section of Inside Higher Ed, an online publication focused on college and university topics. More information on the poem is available in the academics news section of the UWS website.

The Promethean, UW-Superior’s student newspaper, turns 100

Throughout the past century the University of Wisconsin-Superior’s student newspaper has seen changes and challenges. Despite funding cuts, scandals and a period of general distrust on campus, The Promethean has stood the test of time.

UWS Chancellor’s Ball protested over program cuts

Two dozen spirited students, faculty, alumni and community members braved the cold on the evening of Dec. 2 to protest in front of the UWS Yellowjacket Union. The protest was held outside of the glitzy Chancellor’s Ball fundraiser to show outrage at the devastating academic program cuts that were announced on the morning of Halloween.

Protesters wore costumes to symbolically reclaim the Halloween that was ruined by the announced cuts. They handed fundraiser attendees candy with the following message printed on them: “Thank you for supporting UWS students! Please ask Chancellor Wachter to reconsider the program suspensions at UWS. More choices for students, not fewer, is what make UWS great.”

The response from those attending the fundraiser was overwhelming supportive, demonstrating yet again how deeply opposed our community is to the gutting of our university. The action closed with a rousing chant of “We’ll Be Back, We’ll Be Back!” And rest assured we will be – again and again – until these draconian cuts are consigned to the dust bin of history!

Upset Duluth: UWS Edition

Part of PDD’s ongoing “Upset Duluth” series, in which we feature Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are upset.

Story link: “UWS students express frustration over program suspensions

UW-Superior drops Halloween axe on 25 academic programs

The University of Wisconsin-Superior issued a news release this morning announcing it has “suspended several academic programs in an effort to positively affect student success and position itself to continue to remain responsive to regional needs.”

The news release mentioned no program by name. The Duluth News Tribune reports the programs to be dropped include “journalism, multiple science majors, theatre, art history and more — meaning no new students will be admitted into multiple majors, minors and one graduate program.”

Video Montage: UW-Superior Spring Commencement 2017

The University of Wisconsin-Superior conducted its 121st Spring Commencement on May 20. Carl Crawford, a 2008 graduate who serves as the human rights officer for the city of Duluth, delivered the keynote address. The student speaker was Anthony “Scott” McNorton.

History of the University of Wisconsin-Superior

superior-normal-schoolThough Perfect Duluth Day generally avoids publishing promotional propaganda on its blog, this UWS-produced video on the school’s history is a compelling look at 120 years of educational evolution in Soup Town.

UW-Superior Opening Weekend 2016

UWS 2016Two weeks ago a video post on PDD showed clips from UMD Welcome Week. Here’s some equal time for the U across the bridge — scenes from opening weekend at the University of Wisconsin-Superior.

This year’s UWS freshmen come from 175 different high schools and from 11 states — including Alaska, California, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and obviously Wisconsin. Nearly 225 international students are attending this year, the largest and most diverse international enrollment in the university’s history.

Video Archive: Student Concerns at UW-Superior in 1996

Denise Novotny is the reporter. Interview subjects in order of appearance: Marnie Housel, Jan Tilley, Angie Sommerfeld, Seung-Hyun Oh, Jon Ellis and Brandon Leno.

No, this is not a legitimate campus news piece. Yes, I wrote a script and fed everyone their lines, although they improvised a tiny bit. Yes, I was apparently terrible at white balancing TV cameras 20 years ago.

Video Archive: Chainsaw Artist John Gage

Video produced by Margo Devich and Nathan Steigman for UWS Studio 2; shot in Two Harbors on Sept. 17, 1995.

Audio Archive: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s honorary degree acceptance speech at University of Wisconsin-Superior in 1996

On May 17, 1996, the University of Wisconsin-Superior held its 100th commencement ceremony at Siinto S. Wessman Arena. Dr. Joe Domitrz, Dean of the College of Business and Economics at UW-Whitewater, gave what had to be one of the most overshadowed commencement addresses of all time, because Arnold Schwarzenegger took the microphone a bit later to accept an honorary Doctor of Human Letters degree.

The event was carried live by KUWS Radio and Schwartzeneggar’s remarks were later rebroadcast on the KUWS program Between the Lines. Captured in the video above is the radio rebroadcast played on Public Access Community Television in Duluth back in ’96.

The 1962 UWS Football Squad


Today on PDD we present the 1962 gridders from the “Wisconsin State College Superior,” now known as the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Why? Well the fine folks at UWS’ Jim Dan Hill Library have digitized copies of the Gitchee Gumee, the college’s yearbook — from its inception in 1909 through 1972, when it ceased publication.