Lake Voice News Posts


locateLakeVoiceLake Voice News invites the public to participate in its community-wide #locateLakeVoice contest by finding cards with the #locateLakeVoice logo around Duluth at locations that have been featured in Lake Voice stories this past fall. The contest runs until Sunday, Dec. 14.

Lake Voice News #Five3Duluth Project

Duluth’s Lake Voice News is teaming up with KUMD radio and the UMD Statesman to celebrate the kickoff of summer fun on the Great Lakes, and it’s all about you and the unique activities you love.

On Saturday, May 3, get out and show us how you have fun in Duluth with a quick pic at #Five3Duluth on your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Three from LakeVoice: Crayon artist Tiona Marco, Mayor Don Ness and Giant Panda

A trio of highlights from the past week in Lake Voice News:

Lake Voice News is a student-run publication focused on bridging the gap between UMD students and the Duluth community.

This Week in Lake Voice

Catch up on Lake Voice stories about art, the outdoors, and cuddly animals.

A mouthful of ugly: sea lampreys in the Great Lakes
Tour Duluth: How many kilometers can you ski in one day?
Duluth artist sculpts passion into career
Fishing on Superior Ice: Dedicated anglers doing what they love
Animal Allies shelters itself from the winter
Ice caves boost local economy
Lakeside dance studio owner works alongside family

We’d love to hear your lake voice; share your stories by e-mailing lakevoicenews @

UMD student tells stories of poverty, homelessness through photography

During the past few months, LakeVoice reporter and UMD student Daniel Badhwa set out to learn more about the issue of homelessness within the Duluth community. With a camera in hand, Badhwa explored the city, talking with people he encountered. Several of the people Badhwa photographed and interviewed shared stories of their current struggles with homelessness, but not all identified themselves as homeless.

His project, featured on the student-run community news magazine, LakeVoice, includes a video, produced by Badhwa, that describes how he went about this project and what he learned both about himself and society. The article he wrote shares some of the intimate portraits Badhwa captured as well as stories from Duluth people living on the margins.

This week in LakeVoice: Community photography project

This week, LakeVoice released its first all-photo issue. The LakeVoice reporting team teamed up with community members to go out into Duluth and chronicle the faces of our diverse community. Check out our photo stories of a day in the life of a florist, a West Duluth mechanic, Lakeside business owners and the faces of Canal Park and the Lakewalk along with many other photos, including many submitted by community members.

LakeVoice News Photo a Day Project

The LakeVoice News Photo a Day Project started with the launch of the first spring issue. We’re calling on everyone to share their photos! It’s a fun way for the community to share their stories and engage with us through photography. See a collection of our photos here.

LakeVoice publishes second issue of spring

LakeVoice After several weeks of preparation, LakeVoice News published its first issue of the semester Feb. 28. The issue features the kickoff of LakeVoice’s Photo-A-Day project, video and audio pieces, and local issues stories produced by UMD journalism students. Since its launch, LakeVoice has published a second issue that includes a “Duluth on Ice” section, which features the history behind area hockey rinks.

LakeVoice election edition focused on young voters

This week, the editors and student journalists of LakeVoice News have produced more than 30 stories looking at next week’s election. This work includes news articles, interactive maps, videos, audio podcasts and interactive timelines.

You can read these stories by going to the Election 2012 category on the website.

The articles focus on the issues that are relevant and important to everyone but specifically to voters age 18 to 30.

UMD journalism students find third places in Duluth

Every year, UMD journalism students in the Reporting and Writing II course head out into Duluth looking for story ideas that they will report and write for LakeVoice News. To start off the semester, reporters are asked to find third places in their beat areas that may lead them to stories. The students chronicled what they found on a website called TwinPorts Third Places.

LakeVoice wants you to share some of your third places. Where do you kick back and unwind in the city of Duluth? Have you been to any of the third places observed by students in this project? Feel free to contribute to the discussion below, or visit this link to find out how you can share your favorite third places with LakeVoice directly.

History of the Homegrown Chicken

We tracked down the origins of the Homegrown Music Festival chicken and interviewed the original artists.

Check out our photo slideshow and audio story at LakeVoice to see the evolution of the Chicken.

What’s the deal with those horns?

If you scroll through this slideshow displaying statues of Leif Erikson you will notice Duluth’s statue has something most of the other statues don’t have. Go ahead, I’ll wait …

So, did you notice? If you read the headline you already know what it is: horns. What’s more, if you read this article by UMD journalist Madiha Mirza, you will learn that Duluthian Stefan Guttormsson, president-elect of the Icelandic American Association of Minnesota, believes our statue should not have horns.

Of course, if that’s true, does it also mean the Minnesota Vikings’ logo is, um, wrong?

Darin Bergsven featured in Lake Voice

Here’s a nice profile of musician Darin Bergsven. Thanks to the Lake Voice for singing about one of our local unsung culture heroes.

Full disclosure: Darin’s a good friend, and I’m quoted in the article, but that does not detract from his, or the article’s, awesomeness.

Submit your NCAA Championship Photos!

We know where the UMD Mens Hockey team was when they won the NCAA Championship title but where were you? Submit your photos and stories to [email protected] to be published tomorrow Thursday, April 13 on

LakeVoice News is a weekly online publication produced by UMD journalism students. The stories are reported on and written by students, but the content is for the community. If you have a story idea or would like to submit photos you can email us at [email protected].

LakeVoice: Random Person Project

A class at UMD had an assignment to write a story on a person they never met. The students used social media, phone books, and approaching people in public to find their “Random Person.” Check out the final stories on

LakeVoice News is a weekly online publication produced by UMD journalism students. The stories are reported on and written by students, but the content is for the community. If you have a story idea or would like to submit photos you can email us at [email protected].