Brian Barber Posts

Gettin’ it Done with Albert Ordean

Duluth’s Ordean Foundation was started 90 years ago by Albert and Louise Ordean. As part of the 90th anniversary celebration, the Ordean Foundation produced several videos, including an animated story about one of Albert Ordean’s adventures out west. Local historian Tony Dierckins of Zenith City Press makes a cartoon cameo. The video was animated by Brian Barber and written by Mike Scholtz.

Creating Apart: Brian Barber

Brian Barber is one of the artists featured in the Tweed Museum of Art’s upcoming exhibition, “Creating Apart: Local Artists Respond to a Global Pandemic.” He’s an illustrator, animator and filmmaker. In this video by documentary filmmaker Mike Scholtz, Brian talks about how the pandemic gave him time to work on a series of instructional draw-along videos.

The Slice: Draw Along with Brian Barber

During the pandemic, Perfect Duluth Day’s own Brian Barber has been posting draw-along videos on Facebook. In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

History of the Homegrown Chicken

We tracked down the origins of the Homegrown Music Festival chicken and interviewed the original artists.

Check out our photo slideshow and audio story at LakeVoice to see the evolution of the Chicken.