Chris Monroe Posts

Chris Monroe’s 2008 Homegrown Highlights

A little cartoon retrospective on the 2008 Homegrown Music Festival, drawn by Chris Monroe in 2008.

Chris Monroe art on Rain Taxi cover

The Winter 2017 issue of Rain Taxi, a Minneapolis-based book review and literary magazine, features artwork by Duluth’s Chris Monroe.

Selective Focus: Chris Monroe

If Duluth has an official “look,” it’s a Chris Monroe cartoon. There is no possible way that you haven’t seen her art at some point. She has a show of new work opening Monday, Dec. 12, at in the Zeitgeist Arts Café. In this week’s “Selective Focus” she fills us in on some of the details.

C.M.: I work in several different mediums — gouache, pen and ink for the comics and other drawings, and oil pastel. My upcoming show is primarily oil pastel. It is the medium I often go to for fun.

Chris Monroe Interview

Cartoonist Chris Monroe discusses the flooding in Duluth, her 848 comics and the upcoming show at the Duluth Art Institute in this MinnPost article:

Cartoonist Chris Monroe on writing, inspiration and Duluth

History of the Homegrown Chicken

We tracked down the origins of the Homegrown Music Festival chicken and interviewed the original artists.

Check out our photo slideshow and audio story at LakeVoice to see the evolution of the Chicken.

Chris Monroe in Minneapolis Star Tribune

Artist with a tool belt
Cartoonist and author Chris Monroe found inspiration for her picture books while toiling in a hardware store. Now she’s working with Kevin Kling on a tale about sibling rivalry and love.

Violet Days in Nov. Funny Times


Not only is Violet Days in the November issue of Funny Times, but Twiggy the waterskiing squirrel is shown skiing in Duluth!

Monkey with a Tool Belt Day

cv_0822576317According to today’s Duluth Tribune, today is the second annual Monkey with a Tool Belt day (there was a first?).

Local author/artist/target of much local adoration Chris Monroe will be at Marshall Hardware today signing copies of her book. Apparently there will be hot dogs, root beer, and prizes. It’s unknown if any monkeys will be there.