Homelessness Posts

Homeless in Duluth?

Have you walked past the Lakewalk entrance by the Electric Fetus on Lake Avenue and Superior Street lately?

Seems that it’s become the cool place to hang out — at least for Duluth’s homeless. In spite of the availability of nearby public restrooms, the smell of urine and feces is ubiquitous.

This is a public health issue. Sanitary issues at homeless encampments have lead to 16 deaths in a hepatitis outbreak in San Diego.

UMD student tells stories of poverty, homelessness through photography

During the past few months, LakeVoice reporter and UMD student Daniel Badhwa set out to learn more about the issue of homelessness within the Duluth community. With a camera in hand, Badhwa explored the city, talking with people he encountered. Several of the people Badhwa photographed and interviewed shared stories of their current struggles with homelessness, but not all identified themselves as homeless.

His project, featured on the student-run community news magazine, LakeVoice, includes a video, produced by Badhwa, that describes how he went about this project and what he learned both about himself and society. The article he wrote shares some of the intimate portraits Badhwa captured as well as stories from Duluth people living on the margins.

Life House and New Scenic Café partner to help homeless kids

Life House will hold its second annual Hors D’Oeuvres that Open Doors event at the New Scenic Café on Tuesday, March 6, at 6 p.m.

Hors D’Oeuvres that Open Doors is a special event that raises awareness and funds for the vital services Life House provides for homeless and at-risk youth in the Duluth community.

New video about CHUM in Duluth