Photos Posts

Selective Focus: The Green Monster of March

Instagram is once again aglow with photos of the northern lights in and around Duluth.

The Committee for Building a Giant Colossal Statue of Bob Dylan

Proposal: Building a Giant Colossal Statue of Bob Dylan in Lake Superior by Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge Canal.

Selective Focus: Wintery PDDs

Select photos from Instagram spanning mid-February to mid-March 2023, all hashtagged with the name of a certain website. #perfectduluthday

Sir Ernest Shackleton goes out for Bloody Marys


The lake is out there somewhere in this desolate wasteland at the peak of human endurance. Pro tip: If downtown is closed up because of blizzard conditions, the Boat Club is still open because it’s part of the Fitger’s hotel, and they’re all trapped in there eating each other, but it’s open. A great place to hole up here in the last outpost of civilization during the snowmageddonpocalypse. That is a vat of pepper-soaked vodka. Bloody Mary review: 9/10.

A Paddle with Jeff and Jesse


Selective Focus: Having an icy PDD

Select photos from Instagram spanning mid-January to mid-February 2023, all hashtagged with the name of a certain website. #perfectduluthday

Paddling the Pier

Photographer A. Hoppenyan of Noct Studium studio took this photo last night at sunset on Lake Superior next to the Duluth Shipping Canal. The identity of the person in the shot is unknown. Hoppenyan would like to get a print of the photo to the mystery paddle boarder, so give a shout if you can provide a clue.

Selective Focus: Having a PDD at the start of 2023

Select photos from Instagram spanning the first days of 2023, all hashtagged with the name of a certain website.

Harry Welty raises the flag with latest snow sculpture

Harry Welty lit up his latest snow sculpture on Wednesday, an homage to Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal’s image of U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Iwo Jima on Feb. 23, 1945. You can read more about the famed photograph at If I were to hazard a guess, I’d say the artistic statement being made is that America has been through a difficult time, yet the country, its people and flag endure.

The sculpture is clearly visible driving up 21st Avenue East, at 2101 E. Fourth St. Welty spoke with Perfect Duluth Day in 2016 and KDLH-TV the next winter about his ephemeral artwork.

Photos of an Empty Skywalk

The Duluth News Tribune recently published an article about the Downtown Task Force’s recommendations to improve conditions in downtown. This summer, I spent some time walking through the Skywalk system and was a bit shocked by how empty it was. The summer might not be the most popular time to use the Skywalk, but it wasn’t just the absence of people. So many of the shops that I remembered were gone. I didn’t intend to make a themed photo series about this, but I had my camera and kept turning a corner to find another impossibly long, completely empty hallway.

The Bass Players of Low

The paper said the eulogy began: “Friends, family, and bass players, welcome.”

Selective Focus: Fall Colors 2022

The annual biochemical process is underway in Duluth and surrounding areas. Progression of fall and peak leaf colors can be tracked with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Fall Color Finder.

Featured here are select images from Instagram showcasing nature’s palette.

Lake Superior Aquaman of Duluth Minnesota

I’m just saying.

Selective Focus: Labor Day Weekend Aurora

This past weekend was aurora galora as the northern lights danced across Minnesota skies. Collected here are select images from Instagram.

Selective Focus: Duluth Boudoir Photography

© Mad Chicken Studio

Duluth Boudoir Photography is a gender inclusive photography studio dedicated to helping humans build confidence and see themselves in a new light. Led by Jes Hayes, a Duluth Boudoir session provides clients with hair, makeup, dress, full studio and safe space to feel sexy.